Recent comments

  • Reply to: Target's Off-Target Lobbying Effort   14 years 1 month ago

    I fail to see a problem here. Target has the right to fund any cause they want,just like you amd I.If you don't like what Target is doing,boycott their stores and/or write a letter to company headquarters. Better yet ,make a contribution to the Democratic Party and show them Target was wrong.

  • Reply to: Obama’s Patients’ Bill of Rights: One Important Right is Missing, Thanks to Corporate Spin and Fear-Mongering   14 years 1 month ago
    I recently experienced the ERISA laws first hand when I was diagnosed with cancer. My insurance denied my claim because the policy only paid for the lowest cost treatment regardless of side effects. When I contacted a lawyer he told me I was out of luck because the insurance companies are held harmless by the ERISA laws. My company eventually allowed the claim, but only as an exception. There are many hundreds of people in my situation who are being denied proper treatment so these companies can profit from others misfortune. This is essentially taxiation without representation. Didn't we start a revolution over that somewhere in the past?
  • Reply to: Public Campaign, CMD & Media Matters Issue Joint Letter After News Corp.'s $1 Million Donation to Republican Governors Assoc.   14 years 1 month ago

    NOBODY in America thinks that Fox News is a objective news organization, not even the people who watch it.

  • Reply to: Public Campaign, CMD & Media Matters Issue Joint Letter After News Corp.'s $1 Million Donation to Republican Governors Assoc.   14 years 1 month ago

    Why not bring back the equal time doctrine. After all, we are discussing public airwaves, remember? Now, Fox has shown that (a) it does not abide by equal time, (b) most of its news is bias/propaganda, from the viewpoint of its foreign owners, (c) and it puts its money behind Republican / Fascist candidates. Of course, the screen on Fox should display a disclaimer - its not news, its opinion. The point is that once the Republicans controlled Fox, but, now, true to the Fascist ideology of the company, Fox controls the Republicans - exposure on the air, positive commentary, now money. The Supreme Court opened the door to all the corporate takeover of the USA. Its a disgrace. What will be the upshot? Rich get richer, poor get poorer, and the average American will never live as well or as long or as happy as their counterparts in "socialized" Canada, Japan, Europe, and the like (where there are found livable wages, free healthcare, free higher education, more). They will live like low paid, stressed out, insecure, uneducated, and unhealthy slaves in a country (only one in the world) where more women work than men, and most macho men depend upon their wife's paycheck to make the payments on his car, his furniture, his apartment, his appliances, his watch and ring, not their vacation (non-existent) or their children's education (likewise too costly and absent), until they die, poor, and are burned rather than buried, to save money they dont have after a lifetime of working like dogs. Woof Woof . . .

  • Reply to: Health Insurance Industry Shifts Focus   14 years 1 month ago

    This only proves one thing: that the insurance companies have a strong influence on what's coming next. Still, the president will have the final word on the next health plans, he's aiming the best interest of people but the best interest of people is such a relative term under these circumstances.

    Auto Insurance Agent
