Recent comments

  • Reply to: Despite 2006 "Pledge," Fast Food Companies Target Kids More Than Ever   13 years 11 months ago
    There is a national epidemic of unhealthy eating habits. I do not believe that more regulation is the answer. The parents of these children are not informed on the dangers of the food these places offer or even what is healthy to eat anywhere else. Parents who are informed would not subject their kids to the trash these places serve, nor would they allow them to sit in front of a television and be the target of the advertisements. It's a losing battle to fight propaganda with regulation. The advertising / propaganda will not go away even if the regulations were enforced. Children are overly entertained and over stimulated in general. If the parents don't know or don't care, the kids are doomed to fall prey to the conditioning effects of advertising. If you can't reach the parents, the kids are lost until they get older and, if lucky, wisen up to what good nutrition is. There is not a single item at fast food places that I would consider healthy, maybe other than the water or the apple slices or salads (without the sweet dressing). These fast food chains make their money by hijacking kids' desires for toys and fantasy / fun and supplying them with sugary sweets to hook their taste buds, too. Ignorance on part of the public is required for their profits. Most people prefer their bliss, unfortunately for them.
  • Reply to: FDA to Require New, Graphic Cigarette Health Warning Labels   13 years 11 months ago

    Cigarettes are known to be defective products that are both addictive and deadly. That means, when used as intended, they kill people (unlike cars, strawberries, peanuts, cruise ship and the other items you mentioned). It does not currently say anywhere on the pack that cigarette are addictive, yet cigarettes have been subjected to at least five decades of R&D to make them so.

    Cigarettes kill more people each year than DUIs, heroin, cocaine, AIDS and fire combined.

    Anne Landman

  • Reply to: Society's Most Harmful, Widely-Advertised Drug   13 years 11 months ago

    yes these cocktail parties are creating too much bad scenes... specially when you use drugs in it... And when you get drunk or get drugs than you wont be in your senses and than nobody knows what you gonna do than... so instead of loosing control on your self...try to avoid it... its a serious matter..please try to avoid. Wanduhren

  • Reply to: Utility Exec Busted Trying to Spy on Consumers   13 years 11 months ago

    have expressed concern about exposure to the meters' electromagnetic fields.

    When will people accept that there is no credible evidence that weak electromagnetic fields are harmful? The earth is a giant magnet and we live in its magnetic field every day of our lives. All of our electrical appliances emit EM radiation. Wireless phones, Cellular phones, microwave ovens, wireless internet routers, wifi cards in notebook computers. All of these things are IN THE HOUSE washing us with the dreaded EM radiation day and night. The power meter is outside transmitting a radio signal. Just like the broadcasts coming from all of the cell towers, radio stations, and television stations in our cities.

    Now the unexplained spike in peoples bills is a different issue entirely and definitely should be looked into.

  • Reply to: A Win in Spin for the Corporate-Backed Tea Party   13 years 11 months ago
    Well then why don't you tell us the names of the Soros backed groups? I'm very interested.
