Recent comments

  • Reply to: Congress Needs to Clip Goldman's Wings   13 years 11 months ago
    You took the words right out of my mouth, we'd end up going blue!
  • Reply to: PBS Edits Out Single Payer Proposal   13 years 11 months ago

    I can remember seeing something in the news about this and i must admit that its something that makes me sick to my teeth. Is there anywhere i can go and reas up on it?

  • Reply to: Supreme Court Considers Corporate Right to Mandatory Arbitration   13 years 11 months ago
    Everyone should write their congress members and demand that they work to pass Sen. Feingold's Arbitration Fairness Act. It would seem that arbitration is extra-judicial, and therefore, unconstitutional? Even going to court against a multinational corporation and ITS insurance company(s)* is like pitting a microbe against a bulldozer. The Rich/Big Corporations get that way by ELIMINATING JOBS!
  • Reply to: Hill & Knowlton's Maldives Role Still Generating Heat   13 years 11 months ago

    The present government of Anni as well spending huge amount of public funds to pay hill & Knowlton to creat international image for ANNI and his Admin.

    Whereas the Goverment is bankrupted and the countries is suffering

  • Reply to: Junk Food Industry Applies Tobacco's PR Strategies   13 years 11 months ago

    It makes no sense to pretend that the anti-obesity campaign in Australia is backed by big Pharma. Australia has no anti-obesity drugs on its Register of Therapeutic Goods and no candidate drugs in the pipeline either.
    From the pharmaceutical industry's viewpoint Australia's expanding wasteline is good for business as the blood pressure, heart failure and diabetes drugs all have booming sales due to it. It would actually be in the drug companies' financial interest to promote obesity not to oppose it.
