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  • Reply to: Despite 2006 "Pledge," Fast Food Companies Target Kids More Than Ever   13 years 11 months ago
    Whoever wrote this knows nothing about kids. Kids love that crap. I grew up before there was a McDonald's and I loved that stuff in the fifties when my nannies made it at home, even if they tasted liked rocks with ketchup on them. Seriously, I developed such a bad obesity problem instead of eating them, I read a book called TEENAGE DIET BOOK and decided to starve myself when I was almost 11 years old by taking those rocklike hamburgers with all that fat they were making for me by sticking them in a drawer in my room so I weighed 85 pounds like the book said I should so when my father, who was in Okinawa right before the Vietnam War came back to that house after six months, he almost hit the roof. That is the problem with some girls. Fortunately, it was easy for me to get over that one because Mars bars, Milky Way bars, and potato chips were much tastier than McDonald's hamburgers and had been around since way before I was born even and if you ask me when that was, I will not even consider answering it. I suppose you can't count either, like most lawyers.
  • Reply to: Pentagon Pundit Scandal Broke the Law   13 years 11 months ago
    maybe you are right about the enforcement.But really how many times do we see that happening in cases like these?I would not be surprised if something like this happens again shortly.
  • Reply to: FDA to Require New, Graphic Cigarette Health Warning Labels   13 years 11 months ago

    I am a smoker, but this is great!!! To be totally fair to the public I want pictures of the car crash that happened today on all cars, what about boats, planes, atv's, horses, subways, cruise ships, boats, etc. Lets show graphic pictures of people dying in those vehicles---no more riding in those. How about tornadoes, earthquakes, floods etc, I want etchings on every rock in every creek, every tree, etc.

    How about food allergies, I want a picture on every peanut and product, strawberries, chocolate, etc. I want a picture on every drug ever made ( the legal kinds and illegal). I want a picture on every spider, bug, snake etc that causes an allergy or death.

    I want a picture of a death on every pc of sports equipment that has ever caused a death. Did you know that there are tons of germs on money?? I want each pc of money to carry a label.

    Do you watch tv?? Every surface in our home can carry germs that can of course cause death to the weak!!! Please God, tattoo a warning on small pre-school and school age children cause they carry all kinds of crap from lice to the deadly flu!! Let us please label everything in the world that I can think of!!

    Please label all alcohol, guns, knives, bad guys, bad girls, sexual perverts, pedophiles, bad dogs, bears, bulls, all poison berries and thing like poison ivy.

    WE don't profile in the U.S. , why pick one product???? It is a choice allowed because it is LEGAL!!!! Why not worry about Meth, Coke and all of the ILLEGAL crap ??? Oh my opinon, cause they are unable to do the job they were hired to do, so pick on something totally legal!! Amerca left the country. Where did you go????

  • Reply to: Utility Exec Busted Trying to Spy on Consumers   13 years 11 months ago

    Not a technical issue that caught a decent person. Rather the guy is and was slime. Arrogant and brutally selfish and offensive.

    He knew all the information that the group of parents and scientists had that he tried to covertly break into. They had shared the information with him, or tried to on many occasions.

    He was only interested in interfering with their communication of that information to others and attempting to discredit it.

    If their research information was not valid, he would not have cared about them. But their information is solid and it was threatening the misinformation that PG&E had been delivering to an initially naive public. These people had awakened the public and city councils and state senators, etc and PG&E was miffed. PG&E has their eyes on huge amounts of $$$$$$$, and no matter the cost to their customers.

  • Reply to: Citibank Sticks It to Customers -- and Congress   13 years 11 months ago

    I have had a Citibank card for close to 20 years. They sent me an letter two years ago changing my interest rate from approx. 7% to 17% - and my options were to accept the new terms of service basically immediately, or opt out and have my card cancelled when the current card expired. It's expiring in two months and I've been informed that I'll have to reapply and my card will now be a new one with zero years history, as opposed to a nearly 20-yr history. Kiss my credit score goodbye.

    Did I mention - never missed a payment and use the card regularly between $500-1000/mo (giving Citi, what 1.5% of my transactions via fees to the vendor)? Plus the occasional fees for not paying the entire balance a couple times a year.

    Screw you citibank, why did the government bail you out just so you could screw your loyal customers??
