Recent comments

  • Reply to: Obama Economic Team Passes Out the Kool-Aid   13 years 11 months ago
    Getting sufficient numbers of people willing to act on information about market dynamics will take new mediums. I'd like to see an American response to video format. These 10 minute clips are well done, but some issues really need to have homegrown solutions. Many of the worst transgressions happen because people do not know what happened, and honest answers get drowned out by noise. Not every problem can be explained in ten minutes, but many complex issues can be shown in ways that stimulate actions rather than putting people off. Engaging people means keeping a sense of humor as well as making a point. The few win when the many are put-off by the discussion.
  • Reply to: Anonymous Funds and The Founding Fathers   13 years 11 months ago
    I love to point out that when the "Right-Wing" invokes the Founding Fathers, they conveniently overlook (or disregard) their warnings; i.e. Madison's Federalist #51 "...if all men were angels, no government would be necessary"
  • Reply to: A Win in Spin for the Corporate-Backed Tea Party   13 years 11 months ago
    It's funny how no one brings attention to billionaire George Soros funding of dozens of organizations to influence American elections.
  • Reply to: Utility Exec Busted Trying to Spy on Consumers   13 years 11 months ago

    This sort of sneaky nonsense is exactly how Wild Oats (a decent company) was gobbled up by Whole Foods (unethical). This is fraudulent behavior and should be prosecutable. I'm beginning to see CEOs as sociopathic. Perhaps this is a requirement to hold these positions. It's certainly a requirement for serial killers.

  • Reply to: Despite 2006 "Pledge," Fast Food Companies Target Kids More Than Ever   13 years 11 months ago
    When my dad breaks one of those burgers up into tiny little bits we play with them and we have a lot of fun but we have more fun trying to make pictures out of them like in a puzzle and my brother says that ice cream for $4 a cone at the ice cream place are much better for us because it helps the economy more than when we pay $3 for a Happy Meal in addition to being more fun because we get the chocolate ice cream all over our faces and our hair even.. . He is a genius. He calls it marginal something. Also he says that McDonald's franchises are really small businesses, too, like the ice cream parlor near our house. That's the spin, anyway, but I disagree. Franchises are not small businesses. We both are smarter than Mr. Bernanke. That's for sure. No brainer, that one. He, he, he....
