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  • Reply to: Bust the Banksters November 18-24!   13 years 11 months ago
    IMO, The best way is still proper education at home and probably the small community we live it where everybody 'know' everybody somewhat. I just can't figure this out with the modern living in the cities though.
  • Reply to: Weapons of Mass Deception   13 years 11 months ago

    Its so crazy to hear officials say "we thought there was weapons of mass destruction". The United States has most advanced technology in the world. How can officials make statement like that and then say oops we made a mistake.

  • Reply to: Whopper, Indeed: Republicans More Responsible for Green Outsourcing   13 years 11 months ago
    Great article! Unfortunately, I think your math is a little off. 2.6 million is smaller than 700 billion by a *factor* of 0.0000037 -- but this is only a difference of 0.00037%. If the money being sent to China were 0.0000037% of 700 billion, it would be merely $26,000, about enough for a new car. Otherwise, I love your work. Keep saving the world! -Tim
  • Reply to: Pentagon Pundit Scandal Broke the Law   13 years 11 months ago
    I agree with you RTO, but that credibility has to be granted, should be considered as time served as the military, after all, there is little time, big hug, see you! <div class="dnn_dnnContent" style="margin-left: -4000px;"> <a href="" title="Otimiza&ccedil;&atilde;o de Sites">otimiza&ccedil;&atilde;o de sites</a> | <a title="Redes de Prote&ccedil;&atilde;o" href="">redes de prote&ccedil;&atilde;o</a> | <a title="Apartamento Riviera" href="">apartamento riviera</a> | <a title="Cleiton Santos Santana" href="">cleiton santos santana</a></div>
  • Reply to: ACE, Climate Education, and the Issue of Energy Executives   13 years 11 months ago
    My Daughter saw this program over 1 yr ago at age 14, was shunned when she said she didn't believe in GW, and I was very mad about it. The free program was a scam to get the kids into not questioning the other side. It was very ONE sided-with scare tactics ( then blogs/then consequence09 link) and a web site that leads kids to political activist sites-and tells them to email their legislator-(they will find yours with a zip code) wanting green jobs and to vote for green energy (wind power-can we say Orion "may" beneift??) Lots of BO images and "yes we can" stuff. I did call- Jim E answered (his # was listed then on the BP alt energy site-)- he told me Mike Haas was the founder/funder and I wanted MH to call me and instead Pick Walker did. He didn't care what a mom thought- that I didn't think political links were appropriate- did the legislators know the emails were from a 14 yr old?? Plus they were going by the IPCC 4th report which was highly thought to be false and shown so- This was all BEFORE the oil spill- which they would never show on the site as BP oil... Keep and eye on acespace- I don't trust them- and don't like their way of promoting their agenda through teens. Tell your kids to not take programs for true facts-as this one is not.
