Recent comments

  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    Mr. Potter: Thank you!! Hear, Hear!! God bless you. You know, much better than I, the duplicitous nature of these guys. But I ALWAYS suspected it, believed it, actually. So good to finally hear an insider speak out. Are there more like you, still inside, who could provide information (evidence) on just how severely they're screwing the public financially, and essentially killing people? Do they have the same courage and integrity that you are now displaying??? I have physician friends who believe (they say KNOW) how screwed up things are and have some good ideas about how to fix it, but are afraid to speak out. They're scared! For good cause, no doubt. Time to hear from them, not just in big HEALTH, Pharma, tobacco, etc., but how about agri-biz, control of drinking water, "clean" coal. God bless!
  • Reply to: Obama's False Friends of Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    FINALLY!! Someone unafraid to reveal the truth about the money-driven medicine business a.k.a. health care industry. It's shameful. Also, I read the CNN article about your efforts to address the misinformation some groups are spreading in their TV commercials relating Canada's health care failures to Obama's plan for health care reform. The first time I saw the ad, I started screaming at the screen. What a scare tactic! Keep up the excellent knowledge sharing on your blog. Thank you!
  • Reply to: More Messaging for the Earth   15 years 3 months ago

    Honestly any environmental or climate change initiative that fails to address factory farming and the planetary benefits of a meatless diet is going to fall far short of having a meaningful impact. The UN should know it - they wrote the report ("Livestock's Long Shadow").

    Yet the meat and dairy industry's hold on us is so strong, we rarely even hear about eating less meat as a way to get "real change." This is the real inconvenient truth...

  • Reply to: Obama's False Friends of Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    I am a RN. I have been employed in many different clinical settings over the last 35 years. I have also been employed as a case manager for very large health plans. I certainly could recount single cases where I felt extremely conflicted - walking a fine line between patient advocacy and corporate earnings. I feel very strongly health plans should not be publically traded. But I think it woud be foolish to throw away the baby with the bath water. There are many examples of efforts on the part of health plans to deliver quality health care. I believe the health care reform that is in play now in Congress should look to a private-public enterprise of which there are many examples around the country. It seems obvious any attempt to provide health care services to an additional the 40 million people is a enormous undertaking and it will take many years to be fully implemented. I would hate to see some of the health plans and their successful programs be disgarded and the wheel once more re-invented at great cost.
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    Kudos! You don't know how happy I am to see somebody like you speaking out. Thank you for doing so. Any ideas on how to counter people who say "I don't want the government handling my health care"? I think we won't see universal health care until we truly answer the concerns of those who are not outraged that their health is being treated like a business. You're a PR pro, what to do? Thanks again!
