Recent comments

  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 2 months ago
    What's everyone so excited about? All he's offers are general comments that most of us already know. The bad guys are the bad guys. Where's specific details? Where's the expose'? Where's the "hand in the cookie jar" specific examples of wrong doing? We all watch TV court room dramas. There's not a shred of evidence to what he says. How will he "bring them all down" with general, vague statements.?
  • Reply to: The Heartland Institute's Quest for "Real Science" on Global Warming   15 years 2 months ago
    <blockquote>If these "humanitarian" planners ever succeed in reducing carbon dioxide atmospheric levels to zero...</blockquote> You should be careful making jokes like that; climate-change deniers less well informed than you might easily take it seriously and make fools of themselves parroting the claim that "humanitarian planners want to reduce CO2 levels to zero." After all, a retired physician and biomedical researcher said it -- trust him! So, for the record: the best outcome anyone ever hoped for has never been any reduction of CO2 in our atmosphere, merely limiting its increase to amounts that will produce less than disastrous results for the world's population as global temperatures rise. And it is happening. Your fear of "collectivism" seems to have focused you too narrowly on individual ventricles.
  • Reply to: The Heartland Institute's Quest for "Real Science" on Global Warming   15 years 2 months ago
    I am almost out of patience with the world-reformers and their "global warming" theory, which I consider deliberate hoax. I have noticed that these same folks are now calling it "climate change" to defend their collectivist position that it is all the fault of people, who need to be regulated. How distressing to find that the earth has been cooling for about the last ten years! Carbon dioxide is a bio-friendly gas, unlike sulfur dioxide. In horticulture and agriculture it is added to the atmosphere in greenhouses because it increases crop yields. Earth's atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have varied over time for as far back as scientists can extrapolate. Increases in carbon dioxide levels have always been associated with good things, like more plant growth – and has never been shown to have a bad effect on anything. The human respiratory center in the floor of the fourth ventricle is stimulated by carbon dioxide dissolved in the blood. If these "humanitarian" planners ever succeed in reducing carbon dioxide atmospheric levels to zero, some of us would probably forget to breathe. Now you can stop feeling guilty about breathing. You can trust me on that. I am a retired physician and biomedical researcher.
  • Reply to: Why Do We Need Health Care Reform? Don't Ask George Will   15 years 2 months ago
    Government run healthcare will kill the world's greatest healthcare! What is wrong with you people? Do you honestly believe a government that can't even run Medicaid and Medicare now can handle coverage for the entire population???? Come on...wise up. This is a disaster waiting to happen. And why the rush?? Are you afraid that if you don't cram it down our throats now you'll miss the opportunity because the majority of Americans will figure out how they are getting shafted and then you'll never get it done??? This country better wake up before we lose every single liberty that our forefathers fought and died for....hello??? Anyone listening????
  • Reply to: The Mercenaries Previously Known as Blackwater   15 years 2 months ago

    Saying that they are "rent-a-soldiers" from all around the globe shows how much you know. Most people that are contracted with blackwater and other privateering companies are former/current US special forces and/or MI. idiot.
