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  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: How Corporate PR Works to Kill Health Care Reform   15 years 2 weeks ago
    Great stuff Wendell. I hope you take this one step further and educate the American public on exactly how we are being manipulated. It is NOT enough to know that we "are" being manipulated (which the vast majority are still unaware of and the rest don't want to believe it), we must know "how" our minds are being re-programmed by propagandists. You need to open the playbook big business is using to brainwash America. People need to know that Propaganda by Edward Bernays is the main manual of the public relations industry. Everyone can and should read it: People need to recognize that we do NOT live in a democracy. The changes have occurred so slowly with such precision that they are imperceptible to most (like the frog which is boiled to death by slowly turning up the heat). The elite make all of the rules and simply manipulate the blind masses to believe they have input and choices. Government is a puppet whose strings are pulled by multi-national corporations whose strings are in turn pulled by boards of directors who are made up of the richest 1 percent who have more financial wealth than the bottom 95 percent combined. “If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal." ~ Emma Goldman People need tp read 1984 by George Orwell: People need to read Poker Without Cards by Dr. Ben Mack (another public relations insider who walked away to level the playing field for small business and help consumers protect themselves): People should go watch "Why current therapies for chronic disease don't work & why lifestyle medicine can't fail" - Dr. McDougall presentation at an American College of Legal Medicine conference: The primary reason most people remain blind to the manipulation is because the propagandists have re-programmed their minds to only accept the "profitable" side of every story. To not even consider the other side of the story and to feel defensive and angry towards the non-profitable side of the story. The "other" side of the story has conveniently been labeled a "conspiracy theory." NOTHING has been left to chance. “As a brander/marketer what you are looking for is the way you can change someone’s perception that will create a more profitable story for you and then how you substantiate that perception.” ~ Dr. Ben Mack
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: How Corporate PR Works to Kill Health Care Reform   15 years 2 weeks ago
    Thank you for writing this article. It is easy to understand and does a great job of showing how the public and law makers are being"invisibly" manipulated in a way that further enhances corporate profits at the consumer's expense, once again. We desperately need a public option for health care. If this doesn't happen the public will be worse off than ever. Forcing people to get insurance will be a bonanza for the insurers. In Alabama 90 percent of employer based health care is provided through Blue Cross. Just think what Blue Cross stands to make if even half of those without health coverage are forced to get coverage without a public oprion. Baucus' plan is unacceptable. Americans need to wake up. The biggest threat to the well-being of americans in this country is not so much big government as it is big business. Someone has to curtail the greed-motivated efforts of big business. I hope we can make some headway on this with health care legislation. Thanks again for the article, your personal convictions, and the stand you have taken. I'm sure it's not been an easy switch for you.
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: How Corporate PR Works to Kill Health Care Reform   15 years 2 weeks ago
    If we didn't have you, Wendell, we'd have no dogged undeniably true voice to speak out. Whew, I'm grateful. For decades I've been drumming on the "<i>casino for suits</i>" phrase describing Wall Street, but recently saw the phrase "<i>Casino Capitalism</i>" -- a very handy formulation of The Big Enemy which is the metastasizing amok casino capitalism which is devouring what shreds of soul the nation has left. It sucks all the oxygen out of the beloved-community movement for a sturdy, decent public option. Our naiver beloved-community has yet to comprehend casino capitalism's uber-ruthlessness. Indeed, what sane mind could? They can defeat all kind, wise efforts with a single word (socialism) -- we must get the max-three words to fight back. You give us the true info -- among us we need to come up with a few silver-bullet phrases to fight back against the silver forked-tongued giga-greedy like Aetna's Ron Williams & United Wealthcare's Hemsley and their legions of invisible orcs-in-suits bent upon Burning the Shire.
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 2 weeks ago
    Initially inspired by Mr. Potter's strong stand, here is the letter I just fired off to the White House: Dear Mr. President, Have we, the people, all been had by obvious political pandering to the Big Insurance cartel? I have donated and am volunteering on the healthcare phone bank at my local Dem HQ but am extremely disappointed in Mr. Baucus' "leadership," end product and the entire political process thus far. It is blatant and bogus. I believe Wendell Potter, the ex-Cigna PR guy and whistleblower, is highly credible and think the Administration should leverage him to the fullest extent possible. Most people have never heard of him. He should be the Dem version of "Joe the Plumber" except Wendell is REAL. Pls see: Sadly, frustrated people are looking for someone/something to hate so please focus their anger on Big Insurance since they are a major cause of our healthcare problem. I and thousands others have been badly burned by Big Insurance to benefit their bottom line. In 2006, my Big Five (or is it 4?) insurance company shut off my $400/mo. Premier PPO coverage 3 days after my serious accident which left me with a broken back, pelvis and right femur. My level of care was dramatically reduced as soon as the hospital learned I had suddenly joined the ranks of the uninsured. It was a terrifying experience! Big Insurance is killing us all financially and now is the time to act definitively! It is totally irresponsible for our elected officials to do otherwise. A trigger and two-year delay is unacceptable. The eyes of Texas are steadfastly upon you on this deal-breaker financial issue and many of us (but not as many as we need!) are relying upon you to produce a solid pro-voter bill, not one catering to Big Insurance. We’re SICK of trumped-up town halls, Glenn Beck smoke screens and embarrassingly rude and crude Americans on sensationalized TV “news” – this is sorry spin that caters to the selfish side of human nature and primal self-survival instincts. Never, EVER give up, Mr. President. Do not let Congress wimp out to try to get themselves re-elected with Big Insurance campaign money. You and we, the people UNITED, are our only hope.
  • Reply to: Water: The Newest Wave of Corporate "Social Responsibility"   15 years 2 weeks ago
    Two Florida women took their growth management issue to the Florida governor and cabinet. Water and protection of the fragile environment are issues. Outcome was in favor of Susan Woods and Karen Ricio. (St. Petersburg Times, Sept. 14). Susan has been speaking on water for quite a while. Then, NCLC Reports (Jul/Aug Consumer Rights and Usury Edition) reported on growth of Pre-Paid Utitlity Meters. Water meters in some jurisdictions, including FL. This relates back to CPI's THE WATER BARONS and use of meters in lesser countries where citizens take coins to the local pump to draw their water rations. Water quality is most important!
