Recent comments

  • Reply to: Front Group Defends Tar Sands as "North American Energy"   15 years 3 weeks ago

    I work for a grassroots organization, and I can tell just from the CEA's website that they aren't one.

  • Reply to: TIME Features Wendell Potter, Obama Quotes Him   15 years 3 weeks ago

    My Health Insurance is really expensive. It costs me and my family over $15,000 per year, including dental and vision. My bills are probably only a couple of thousand per year since we are all in good health. It's a good plan and I like it, except the cost. I really want some reform that will help me save some money and from what I understand I may.

    I see that I would be required to have health insurance or pay a couple of thousand dollar penalty. Am I wrong to think that I can drop my insurance and then just get it if I need it, like if I got cancer? Am I missing something?

  • Reply to: Reform Debate Healthy for Congressional Coffers   15 years 3 weeks ago

    Since this is only Q1-Q2, I shudder to think what Q3 will look like.

  • Reply to: TIME Features Wendell Potter, Obama Quotes Him   15 years 3 weeks ago

    You just nailed it right there. Sadly, most people continue to live under the illusion that the US is a democracy and that voting and protesting will achieve anything. It is really depressing knowing that by the time they realize what is truly going on, it will be too late. If they realize it at all.

  • Reply to: A "Watchdog" that Likes Corporate Treats   15 years 3 weeks ago

    Jet engines? perhaps it would be good to focus on the fact that fighting wars to steal petrochemical reserves from other nations, and then burning up the petrochemicals & further polluting the planetary atmosphere is only "good business" when viewed from the pathologically insane viewpoint of major corporations.
