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  • Reply to: Attack of the Living Front Groups: PR Watch Offers Help to Unmask Corporate Tricksters   15 years 3 weeks ago
    You bring up a good point! It's not popular right now to target the pharmaceutical corporations because they use pathos very successfully to make people feel guilty for opposing them, suggesting that opposing the corporations or over-prescription of drugs creates a negative stigma for people with emotional or mental disorders. It's much the same as the pro-war propaganda suggesting that one cannot oppose war without hating soldiers or that one can't argue alternate actions and retain patriotism.
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: Rally Against Wall Street's Health Care Takeover   15 years 3 weeks ago
    Mr. Lehan: For the record, I am in the industry. My answers and opinions seem to be dismissed because of my knowledge. I am not opposed to anyone taking a critical eye to my comments or facts, but would prefer to be refuted with facts rather than dismissed with disdain. I am going to address your issues mentioned with specific facts. 1) The $210,000 a day figure is one CEO (United Healthcare) in 2005. The $210k a day figure also included stock options. Those officers were charged with a crime for back dating options. I agree that corporate compensation packages are obscene, but the figure is inaccurate. In regards to the 50% of bankruptcy's information. An American Journal of Medicine Study also showing that 68% had health insurance. Please note: That's 50% of bankruptcys having a medical being the "largest item" or "core" items. What the large study indicates is that these people were under-insured. A point you probably won't disagree with either. Please remember that you are expected to pay 13% of your income for insurance under the new governement bills. Additionally, if you study the numbers down, Only 34% of bankruptcys were from people with health insurance. With 85% of the population having insurance, that is quite a mathmatical deviation. I don't disagree with having better minimal standards of coverage to lower the number. Rationing:? - Unless you cut doctor and hospital fees, there has to be some rationing. It's not all bad, but there will be some rationing. Abortion? - Not in the bills now, not excluded either. Coverage for Illegal Aliens? - Hmmm... Well while they are specifically excluded from benefits, the Ways and Means Committee democrats struck down an ammendment to require proof of legal status in the country. If the bartender is blind and deaf, it's tough to check ID's. I see coverage for illegals not be design, but by specific omission. I agree that the headlines look like your view, but the details do not. Follow the Money: The Main money generally goes to the majority party heads of committees. Over the past 10 years, you can follow the money to republicans, now the democrats. The largest reciepients of health care money in 2009? Max Baucus - Democrat. I don't see him as a friend of the industry.
  • Reply to: TIME Features Wendell Potter, Obama Quotes Him   15 years 3 weeks ago

    President Obama was right ... they will pull out all the stops to kill health insurance reform. Who know s what they would do to kill health care reform.

    Decent people are dealing with snakes now.

    It's time to call in all markers, find the skeletons in the closet, put everything on the line and shoot for the moon. Peoples lives are at stake.

    My rule when you're in for the fight of your life: Never deal with someone who doesn't have as much to lose as you do. (Those who are as old as I am know what I mean).

  • Reply to: Beware Secondhand Rhetoric on Cigarette Taxes   15 years 3 weeks ago
    Donald Tashkin, Americas lead researcher on the harmful effects of smoking cannabis. Cannabis does not cause an increase in cancer rates over non-smokers.
  • Reply to: Beware Secondhand Rhetoric on Cigarette Taxes   15 years 3 weeks ago
    Alcohol kills approx 80,000 per year in the USA Tobacco Kills approx 400,000 people per year.
