Recent comments

  • Reply to: Medical Malpractice in the Health Care Debate: Sucking Us Back Into the "Tort Reform" Bog?   15 years 1 day ago
    Anne, I disagree with you, particularly with regard to medical malpractice. The entire country, save one profession, believes that we have malignant and metastatic litigation. If you trip in a store from your own carelessness, guess what will happen? Burger King was sued alleging that the restaurant was responsible for fat kids. (The case did not go through, but it did reach a hearing stage.) Kids' sports coaches have been sued by parents. If I didn't have to go to work, I'd spend the rest of the day citing more absurd examples of our perverse pursuit of justice. See under Legal Quality cateogory.
  • Reply to: New Oil and Coal Fronts Greenwash Global Warming   15 years 2 days ago

    It's not the drug that will kill you, it's the dosage.

  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: Baucus' Health Care Bill Needs Urgent Care   15 years 3 days ago
    Dear Mr. Potter, Thank you for walking away from the dark side and for your efforts to bring healthcare to the people. I have found that the best disinfectants are light and heat. You have done as much as anyone to shine a light on those who have put their pleasures above our necessities. Now it is time to bring some heat. I think you should callenge our lawmakers to do what you have done. Invite them to spend a day at a "cattle call for care" as you have done. Maybe, just maybe, the heat they recieve will help them to see the light as well. Keep fighting the fight. When all Americans know the name of Wendell Potter maybe then we will have true reform. I thank you for your service, and for your sacrifices.
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: Baucus' Health Care Bill Needs Urgent Care   15 years 3 days ago
    Price-fixing is a violation of the Sheran Act. The Taft-Hartley Act is a labor law (designed to curb the power of the unions given by New Deal Legislation).
  • Reply to: Just Say "No" to Sex and the Public Option?   15 years 3 days ago

    It's the same old thing out of Washington, the usual...LET'S DO FOR BIG BUSINESS BECAUSE THEY HAVE THE MONEY AND THE CLOUT AND SCREW (FOR LACK OF A BETTER WORD) THE MIDDLE CLASS AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FOR THAT MATTER ! The American People need to see this for what it really is. Wall street and big business are giving all kinds of money to OUR politicians and these politicians are rolling over and giving them what they want. The insurance companies welcome this reform, because we are going to be forced into THEIR SYSTEM and the public option will never happen ! That's what these senators are saying. Sure, they'll change some laws, we'll pay a little less for awhile, everyone will HAVE to pay into this system. That's it right there...this will get EVERYONE into the current system BY LAW. Then as time goes on rates will go back up and the insurance companies will find another way to scam us some more and deny coverage. The American People would be wise to choose a public option in this legislation and have a way out if they don't like what the insurance companies are about to do...THINK PEOPLE THINK ! ! !
