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  • Reply to: Support for Whistleblowers   14 years 11 months ago

    I am an american working and residing in British columbia . have witnesses things that need to be exposed in several different situations. need media and a good lawyer. evidence to support cases. real whistleblower stories. can someone help with this

  • Reply to: Chamber of Commerce Launches Massive "American Free Enterprise" Campaign   14 years 11 months ago
    Really a revolt? Really? If that is what you need to make it through the day then more power to ya but you should know that for all the bluster and wailing the right does it will pretty much be Obama for 2 terms. You didn't even make a rational point about one thing in the article, but I guess you were just doing a drive by and that probably made you feel good.............H
  • Reply to: Bill Moyers Journal Features CMD's Wendell Potter   14 years 11 months ago
    <blockquote>"One thing that few people understand is that most quality health insurance carriers pay 80% to 90% of premium dollars out in benefits."</blockquote> What more and more people are coming to understand is that 10 - 20 percent of premiums paid out for dividends, executive salaries and perks, and advertising and PR, not to mention lobbying our government maintain the status quo, is just too much. <blockquote>...but if the reason for the increased premiums were excess profits the market would fix the problem. Health insurance companies that only operate in certain states would come into other states and offer lower premiums and "fix the problem."</blockquote> Oh, right. Actually, long experience shows that "competing" companies would much rather divvy up markets and fix prices than engage in real competition, which is why we have anti-trust law. Are the for-profit insurers willing to give up their current anti-trust exemptions? <blockquote>It has happened with the phone companies and with computers and many other goods and services. When the profits got high enough competition came into the market. </blockquote> Yeah. The trick, though, is not to get sick or injured while you wait for that hoped-for principle to kick in, or bankrupted in the process of making the profits high enough. Selling iPods belongs in the for-profit sector. Health insurance does not.
  • Reply to: A New Way to Enjoy Nicotine Addiction   14 years 11 months ago

    Wouldn't this cause the same problems as "smokeless" (dip, etc) tobacco such as mouth cancer? Seems like it would.

  • Reply to: Pfizer Pulls Deceptive Lipitor Ads   14 years 11 months ago

    hi,i have been taking lipitor for twelve years.i had a heart attack 12 years ago and my doctor told me my colesterol was 360.he put me on lipitor 20 mg. for three years and by then my colesterol was around 200 count. he then cut my dose to ten colestorol has been around 100 count for the past five years.i still take my lipitor 10 mg every evening and my colesterol this past may was 110 count.i had a stress test in april of this year and i passed with flying colors..i have never had anymore heart pain since my heart attack and i truely believe that lipitor has saved my life these past twelve years.i was age 63 when i had my heart attack and i am now 75 years of age and feel 60 years old..lipitor has let me see four GREAT grand children that i might not have lived to see if not for lipitor.but at age 75 i am told (by casting agent)that i am to old to audition for commercial..move the age up to 75please.its now at the people out in tv land that lipitor can give you a longer life..thank you for reading my email..jerry campbell ,wilmington,NC
