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  • Reply to: U.S. Drone Strikes: A Propaganda Bonanza for the Taliban?   14 years 11 months ago

    It is amazing how our military and political leaders up to now have failed to realize that using aerial drones is a terrible mistake. We have killed over 1000 civilians during drone strikes, according to General McCrystal. The use of drones has been a great benefit to Eisenhower's "military industrial complex", but a significant departure from true north principles. We will reap the seeds we have sown.

  • Reply to: Rick Scott Urges Anti-Health Care Front Groups to Coordinate Their Attacks   14 years 11 months ago

    It is amazing how some people can be so concerned about the almighty dollar they can make on the backs of fellow Americans and still claim they are really out to help others. the money on others pockets!

  • Reply to: Our Country Deserves Better: The Russo Marsh Crowd Bashes Obama from Coast to Coast   14 years 11 months ago
    That last quote about being patient with the media is a load of you know what if you ask me. Not to get off on a rant but I really feel like the problem with the republican party is that they're trying to be too moderate and theyre just coming off as mushy. People respect decision makers and people who take action, not people who are all wishy washy about everything and try to please everyone.
  • Reply to: LIVE! From the Big Showdown in Chicago   14 years 11 months ago
    Payday advances are two week, not annual loans. For each $100 advanced, customers pay a typical fee of $15-$17. Because payday loans are two-week loans they cannot be offered at the same annual rates as annual credit products such as credit cards, auto loans and home mortgages. The only way to reach the much-hyped triple digit APR is to take out one advance and continue to renew the same advance every two weeks for an entire year. State laws and industry best practices do not allow this to happen. Payday advance compares favorably to many consumer alternatives, even when expressed as annual percentage rates for two-week terms: $100 payday advance with $15 fee is 391% APR.; $100 bounced check with $55.59 NSF/merchant fee is 1449% APR; $100 credit card balance with $37 late fee is 965% APR; a $100 utility bill with $46.16 late/reconnect fees is 1203% APR; a $100 off-shore Internet payday advance with $25 fee is 651.79% APR; $29 overdraft protection fee on $100 is 755%.
  • Reply to: It's Plain in Maine   14 years 11 months ago
    I have written letters to Sen. Snowe mentioning in particular Mr. Potters educated comments on this issue to no avail. Apparently falling on deaf, or perhaps paid for, ears. One thing I consistantly point out is that the insurance industry is shelling out millions of dollars to block any public option competition. Why would they do that? And why would the Senator believe for an instant that the industry has any intention of creating fair standards without being made to do so? They haven't. And if that means spending tax dollars on the health of, heavens forbid, fellow Americans, well what better to spend it on. I will not stop making this point on every front available to me and hope others reading this will do the same. It is not only an opportunity that others in this world do not have, but an obligation we share with each other.
