Recent comments

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   14 years 11 months ago

    So a company making a donation to fight one of the most common causes of death, overall, because violent criminals sometimes use similar products to commit violent crimes? Would you complain about a clothing company giving a breast cancer donation because violent criminals wear clothes? What a horrible way to disrespect a young woman who made personal sacrifices for the good of breast cancer patients and survivors everywhere.

  • Reply to: How PR Sold the War in the Persian Gulf   14 years 11 months ago

    "Glaspie's ill-chosen comments may have helped convince the dictator that Washington would look the other way if he "annexed" a neighboring kingdom."

    Tariq Aziz said in an interview that Glaspie did not make any extraordinary statements as a diplomat; she must made standard diplomat talk. It didn't convince Iraq that the US would look the other way...

    Many in the Mid-East believe that the West was just trying to get Iraq and Iran to fight each other into wrecks so that neither would exert a strong influence in the Mideast. After all Europe and the US sold arms to both sides.

  • Reply to: Rick Scott Urges Anti-Health Care Front Groups to Coordinate Their Attacks   14 years 11 months ago

    America has the clear vision of every tree as wood for Home Depot!

    " ... my reply: I'd rather stick needles in my eyes!!!"

    This American had needles stuck in his eyes, courtesy of Medicare. Would've been unaffordable otherwise. Saved my vision.

  • Reply to: Direct Action Confronts the Climate Crisis   14 years 11 months ago

    Climate negotiators need to be somewhat flexible on emerging nations in light of binding level of pollution cut : a little lower but binding level would be practicable.

  • Reply to: This Is Going to Hurt: What Your Doctor Doesn't Say Can Cost You   14 years 11 months ago
    I believe that the best way to address problems regarding the cost of health care is to make medical care less about rendering quantity of procedures & drugs and more about improving the health of the patients. If the focus of pricing becomes based on results rather than processing, then we would all be subjected to less processing and better results. More results are not needed. What's needed are better results, better efficacy. Also, the status of contract law needs to be changed from allowing for dismissing or signing away of a person's rights to a recognition that rights are stated, in the founding documents of this country (the United States of America), as being inalienable. Statements in founding documents of a nation should be regarded as binding, especially if those documents are generally used to promote that nation as an exemplar for all regarding systems of government.
