Recent comments

  • Reply to: Funding the Left   14 years 11 months ago
    I really love the energy that comes from simple, "grass roots" type movements. But you are right--most things need some kind of funding to survive.
  • Reply to: Rick Scott Urges Anti-Health Care Front Groups to Coordinate Their Attacks   14 years 11 months ago

    This scumbag is so exemplary of the worst predatory elements in the health care industry - and there are so many of them - driving folks bankrupt and worse. Now he is running walk in clinics to fleece the poor and working against a public option. The most down and out crack addict on the street is above this vile and contemptible monster.

  • Reply to: Alberta Lobbies for Its Tar Baby   14 years 11 months ago

    great encouragement by the author.

    debt recovery

  • Reply to: Obama's False Friends of Health Reform   14 years 11 months ago
    We are the last industrialized nation without a national healthcare structure. Why is this still a partisan issue? Remember that modern national plans are much more progressive (see Netherlands) than Hillary's Plan of the early 90's, using the government to regulate the insurance company while maintaining a privatized health system. I am often frustrated with the tunnel vision of Americans. They often ardently refute the argument that health care can be a "right". Why can't it be a "right"? Why can't we take care of our own? Remember, education has only become a "right" in recent history. Up until a few hundred years ago, only the rich could afford private tutors for their children. But yet, as Americans building a nation, we knew the importance of a good education and made it accessible. For many years, America has been the trend setter in democracy and industrialization. Let us not fall behind the rest of the world on such an important matter.
  • Reply to: P.S. to the Tea Party Express   14 years 11 months ago

    Jackson,Ms has a mistake on the map and location shown.If anyone can let me know who to contact,I would appreciate it.I want to attend this one if I can get proper info.This is our voice,our country and our future.Last I heard the government was by the people,for the people and of the people. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. GOD BLESS OUR AMERICA.
