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  • Reply to: Rick Scott Urges Anti-Health Care Front Groups to Coordinate Their Attacks   14 years 11 months ago

    Remember 1997? Balanced Budget Act of 1997-

    In 1997, HCA (Hospital Corporation of America) – was the LARGEST HOME HEALTH CARE Company in our country.

    HCA Inc. (formerly known as Columbia/HCA and HCA - The Healthcare Company)
    Note: Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) was acquired by Columbia in 1994.

    Columbia/HCA was a partnership of financier Richard Rainwater of Ft. Worth and lawyer Richard Scott.

    Under the Balanced Budget Act of 1997- Home health - was struggling; about 1,400 agencies closed nationwide in 1998.

    On Sept 8, 1998 Standard and Poors downgraded the bonds of Charter/HCA

    Rainwater also owned a large stake in Magellan Health Care which controls Charter Medical. Magellan, run by Darla Moore, is the largest network of psychiatric hospitals in the country. They are becoming more and more involved in obtaining government money for services formerly not covered as health care, according to Fortune Magazine.

    (Note: Rick Scott was terminated by Darla Moore, the wife of Richard Rainwater in 1997. According to Fortune Magazine, the “Toughest Babe in the Business”, Moore created the Corporate Bankruptcy Finance Tool- DIP- (Debtor in Possession), while employed at a Chase bank on Wall Street.

    “They are becoming more and more involved in obtaining government money for services formerly not covered as health care, according to Fortune Magazine. “


    HCA not only robbed the country’s Medicare/Medicaid system, but the entire Healthcare system and its tentacles.

    Connect- Healthcare Finance Fraud, SEC Fraud, Bankruptcy Fraud, Financial Fraud and Mortgage Fraud- all for ‘market driven healthcare’ in America?

    2009 - The Wall Street Journal reported that Richard Scott, "the former chief executive of HCA Inc," had formed the non-profit organization Conservatives for Patients' Rights as part of a "lobbying campaign to derail or modify" President Obama's health care proposals,...

    In 1997, Rick Scott was terminated by Darla Moore. As part of Richard Scott's severance package from Columbia he was paid $5.13 million and given a five year consulting contract at $950,000 per year.

    1997 + 5 = 2002

    In 2002 FBI raided the offices of National Century Financial Enterprises in Dublin, Ohio

    “This case is one of the largest corporate fraud investigations involving a privately held company headquartered in small town America,” said Assistant Director Kenneth W. Kaiser of the FBI Criminal Investigative Division.

    In October 2008- Leo Wise, now at the OCE ---stated "Ladies and gentlemen, this is a case of staggering fraud," 'It is one of the largest frauds the FBI has ever investigated.

    Guess where ALL of Richard Scott's & Richard Rainwater’s Columbia/ HCA and certain subsidiaries and joint ventures were?

    National Century Financial Enterprises, Inc.! (NCFE).

    One prosecutor stated ‘…’NCFE- the largest corporate fraud investigations involving a privately held company and no one has ever heard of.’

    NO ONE HAS EVER HEARD OF? (The largest corporate fraud investigation…)

    Why is that?

    Richard Rainwater was GW Bush’s ex- partner with the Rangers.

    October 2008, Leo Wise now at the OCE office prosecuted the CEO and co-founder of National Century Financial Enterprises - CEO Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison

    12 Executives/co-Founders already found guilty-

    December 18, 2008, almost one month before GW Bush leaves office- the last person to stand trial, the ONE and ONLY acquittal- James K Happ!

    Jurors stated 'PROSECUTOR DID NOT DO HIS JOB'-

    Prosecutors' case fell short juror says-National Century fraud case produces 1st and only acquittal The "not guilty" verdicts that came in federal court yesterday were not so much a vindication of the last National Century Financial Enterprises executive to stand trial, a juror said.

    Instead, they were more a belief that federal prosecutors had not done their job, ...

    "He very well may have been guilty. A lot of us thought he was," said the juror who wouldn't give his name...

    While Richard Scott was at Columbia in 1997 - James K Happ was CFO of Columbia Homecare Group, Inc.

    James K Happ, only acquittal at National Century Financial Enterprises, Inc‘s who just so happened to be the CFO of Columbia Homecare Group.

  • Reply to: Chamber of Commerce Launches Massive "American Free Enterprise" Campaign   14 years 11 months ago
    wow, your U.S. Chamber of Commerce story looks more like an SEIU story. SEIU this, SEIU that, etc... give us a break we are not as stupid as you would like the public to be. we will demand change and it will be at the end of a revolt to remove this administration that is poised to raise taxes even higher yet again.
  • Reply to: When Big Insurance Rejoices, Something's Wrong   14 years 11 months ago
    So basically your saying, if you know where the bodies are buried - keep quiet. Some scammers have been known to turn in other scammers because they got ticked off. I'm just glad when they do the right thing, even if it's for the wrong reason. It would be terrific if everyone always did the right thing. While we keep on dreaming, let's just hope more grinches grow a heart - sooner rather than later.
  • Reply to: Bill Moyers Journal Features CMD's Wendell Potter   14 years 11 months ago
    One thing that few people understand is that most quality health insurance carriers pay 80% to 90% of premium dollars out in benefits. Most insurers are in a competitive environment and know that higher prices mean fewer new clients. Health care costs are rising and insurance premiums rise along with them. If there is a drought in an area where banana are grown, we don't blame the grocer for the high price. Insurers are certainly not always right, but if the reason for the increased premiums were excess profits the market would fix the problem. Health insurance companies that only operate in certain states would come into other states and offer lower premiums and "fix the problem." It has happened with the phone companies and with computers and many other goods and services. When the profits got high enough competition came into the market.
  • Reply to: Philip Morris, RJR Lose Appeal, Must Pay $2.85 Million   14 years 11 months ago

    This is a silly settlement. Anyone that smokes for 40 years and claims to not know it's bad for them is a complete moron and doesn't deserve any money. That's like saying "My crack dealer said this stuff was ok".
