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  • Reply to: Openly Gay Owner of Indiana PR Company Invited to Attend State of the Union Address   14 years 8 months ago

    Indiana is not Ohio.

  • Reply to: Take Action! Millions to Lose Unemployment Insurance   14 years 8 months ago
    In several weeks, my benefit will expire. When this happend in October, it took 4 weeks for the Senate to pass the bill though the House had passed it in late September. I was without funds for 4 weeks which caused all sorts of trepidation in my household.I am hoping that a bill will be passed before the current one expires. As I was previously self employed for 26 years, I have found it very difficult to gain employment, business's seem to be afraid to hire someone who was in my position. This is a shame as we have the knowledge and motivation to move mountains if given the opprotunity.
  • Reply to: Outlook Rosy for Nuclear Industry, Despite Unsolved Problems of Waste and Safety   14 years 8 months ago
    Lets tell the whole story please. Current nuclear plants approx 65. Only 1 default. Loan guarantees get repaid well within the accepted risk level of the financial community. Subsidys for wind and solar systems do not. Thus the fleecing of the taxpayer comes from solar. Not even a 40% credit, such as in Germany, can make the systems make financial sense. Why not try to get a 10billion loan for a wind farm?
  • Reply to: PR Exec Tells How Industry Manipulates Public Opinion   14 years 8 months ago

    Significant climate change would really mess up the infrastructure and jobs and the future. But, I under.stand with all the misinformation out there being stealthily funded by the big oil and coal companies that it can seem as though the issue is more unsettled than it is. Please check out our climate portal for more information about the weight of scientific research on this point: []. And, for me, I find the photos of the rapid changes so far pretty convincing and worrisome: []. The fact is that these glaciers took thousands and thousands of years to accumulate and previously took thousands of years to recede, as the geologic record and other widely accepted carbon measures attest. But, now, in the span of a few decades many are rapidly melting, in the same period as rapid expansion of the production of greenhouses gases. You might think that's correlation without causation, but the visual record combined with other studies make a strong enough case to suggest that there are tipping points that even those who are doubtful should be concerned about. So, I hope you will reconsider. Lisa

  • Reply to: Outlook Rosy for Nuclear Industry, Despite Unsolved Problems of Waste and Safety   14 years 8 months ago
    Not that we should not be worrying about the return of nuclear power, but the prospects are not as rosy as this article might make appear at first. The first problem with nuclear power is that it is fantastically expensive. The $18.5 billion hold over from the Bush administration will only fund at most 4 new reactor projects, and quite possibly less. No reactors will be built in the US without 100% loan guarantees from the Feds, Wall Street has repeatedly made this clear. All of the designs seriously being considered in the US (GE/Hitachi's. Westinghouse/Toshiba and the French Areva design) all have serious problems which have been identified and not resolved. The only one of these under construction is the French design which is already years late and billions over budget in both France and Finland. Nuclear in the US means another bail out (which would be nuclear's 3rd in this country). Perhaps we wont give them the money this time. For an excellent critique of why nuclear does not work as a climate solutin or economically, see Amory Lovins
