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  • Reply to: Outlook Rosy for Nuclear Industry, Despite Unsolved Problems of Waste and Safety   14 years 8 months ago
    From what I have recently read, nuclear waste from reactors dumped into streams that lead into the Chesapeake Bay is an ecological and medical catastrophe for the entire eastern seaboard, and yet very little media attention has been paid to it. And Congress has just approved the building of additional nuclear power plants by the same companies that have yet to even begin to clean up their radioactive pollution of the Bay and surrounding areas. I have also read that the nuclear waste from power plants is being used in the manufacture of our depleted uranium weaponry which is causing severe birth defects, cancer and other horrific diseases throughout Iraq, Afghanistan, and even Bosnia. Apparently, the U.S. government has known the effects of DU since the first Iraq war but continues to deny the scientific data and ignore the fact that DU weapons have been declared weapons of mass destruction internationally and banned. Nuclear plants in India, built with the encouragement of the IMF and the US, have contaminated rivers and streams, rendered agricultural areas unusable, and poisoned the population. No immediate solution to the problem is known, the Indian government is suppressing information about the catastrophe, and rice from affected areas continues to be exported to the U.S. and other countries. With all this in mind, how can our government even think of building more nuclear power plants?
  • Reply to: Take Action! Millions to Lose Unemployment Insurance   14 years 8 months ago
    As i was employed with the same company for the last 20 years and 39 years in the transporation field,I am having difficulty finding employment in my area of expertise.At 60 years old, it is extremely hard to gain employment.Some people seem to think we are to old to work and too young to retire. By this age, we have paid into the system all our working lives.I understand that TARP and STIMULUS was necessary, but only approximately 2% of these funds have been used for the middle and working class.Our legislators in Congress must stop its divisions and work together for the good of the American people.As I watch the Presidents State of the Union speech tonight, I see a political divide in our Capital, a house divided will never benefit the American people. Congress must plan to extend benefits for the unemployed.
  • Reply to: Johann Hari on Propaganda and James Hansen's New Book--Both Worth Reading!   14 years 8 months ago

    May the Gods bless James Hansen - he needs all the help he can get. History will not view the captains of industry kindly as they continue to trash the planet. I trust these captains of industry adopt the "Precautionary Principle" (of which they currently scoff and sneer) and build a fortress in which to hide when hungry and desperate people resort to rampage and demand some accountability from these grim reapers!

  • Reply to: Outlook Rosy for Nuclear Industry, Despite Unsolved Problems of Waste and Safety   14 years 8 months ago
    Every homeowner policy, and your cellphone handset loss/breakage policy continues to specifically EXCLUDE radiation damage. Back in the late 1960's, a book "Perils of the Peaceful Atom" quoted an insurance company executive as why this exclusion continues. His answer was "The hazard is new". Really, now. Guess who is left devastated in the event of a Chernobyl disaster. You! The Dixon Yates act of the mid-fifties still limit operators of nuclear facilities to $250 million dollars TOTAL! If nuclear power is so safe, why, oh, why are the operators not required to assume much more liability?
  • Reply to: Johann Hari on Propaganda and James Hansen's New Book--Both Worth Reading!   14 years 8 months ago

    Am I missing it? Where is the review? Are you linking to it?
