Recent comments

  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   14 years 8 months ago
    the only people that oppose to it, it's people that never needed any care... but they eventually will... sorry to inform.... I been paying my individual health insurance since I was young (more than 20 years) and I been feeling the heavy changes.... co-pays became outrageous, deductibles (when we pay for a premium policy), medicines and several exams and procedures are not fully covered anymore.... I suppose to go to a cardiologist now but after pay almost 600 $ for my premium, I just can't afford, another $ 50 for co-pay/visit, plus $100.00 for a stress test, plus ANOTHER $ 50 for RETURN (within 30 days, going back to a doctor used/should be a return).... plus the cost of the possible prescription... so... I'm going to sit in here and wait for things to get worse because, going to the emergency room, might be cheaper then to prevent any possible problem. Enough is enough.... I pay my insurance to be FULLY covered. No brainer.
  • Reply to: The Mormon Proposition   14 years 8 months ago

    I don't think the mormon church cares what people think of the name. Christ himself didn't care. He did what his father comanded and was no respector of persons. Ceasar wasn't any more worthy than the adultress, yet she sought forgiveness for her actions. Show me where homosexuality has benefited a society or people as a whole? Nobody can, because it has never done such. It has destroyed them. I don't want to destroy mine anymore than it already is.

  • Reply to: PR Exec Tells How Industry Manipulates Public Opinion   14 years 8 months ago

    Brilliant PR work. Your comment would make a PR expert jealous for it's effect of casting doubt onto this revealing book. But the cats out of the bag now.

  • Reply to: Luxury Cruises Resume to Haiti: Bad PR, Good Deed, or Both?   14 years 8 months ago

    Indefensible? Royal Caribbean has already donated $2.1 million to relief efforts and each ship that stops is dropping of huge amounts of food and water. And that's on top of what RCCL pays the employees there. And the money made during each stop is being donated to relief efforts. You would prefer the ships skip the stops and put 200 people out of work at a time when they desperately need money to help support family and friends fleeing Port au Prince. The Haitian government has asked the cruise lines to keep visiting, the Haitians working at Labadee have said they want the ships to keep coming. But you want to criticize RCCL so you can feel some moral superiority? I'd rather help the Haitians.

  • Reply to: Luxury Cruises Resume to Haiti: Bad PR, Good Deed, or Both?   14 years 8 months ago

    The decision to stop in Haiti is indefensible. I hear what they are saying about supporting the local economy dependent upon cruise traffic, but REALLY??? Why doesn't the company donate funds to Haiti. Why don't the guests do something good for the economy by staying on board the ship and giving what they might of spent on land to reliable charity like Red Cross.

    Ultimately it would be good if guests could donate time to help the victims, but right now people with expertise are needed to the disaster relief. The time for amateur volunteers to lend a hand are still a ways off, but the company ought to figure out something that would be meaningful to the Haitian people and economy, not looking at tourist spend on land as some kind of do good effort. Royal Caribbean is deaf dumb and blind.
