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  • Reply to: Bob McDonnell, Human Wallpaper & the Stagecraft of the Response to the State of the Union   14 years 8 months ago
    Dear AKW: Thank you for your note, but your insults belong to you. I don't accept them. They are completely false and baseless. Also, I said quite clearly that they were his supporters. But the fact that they are his supporters or that some of them are in his cabinet does not mean that they were not also used as props by the visual planners of the press event. It is unfortunate that you choose to spend your energies attacking the messenger rather than considering whether you have been manipulated by the very sort of stagecraft I fairly and honestly pointed out. As for the substance of his comments, I found them to be disingenous. And, I found his decision to pack the hall with supporters rather than have an audience, like Congress, that is filled with both supporters and opponents to be a sign of great weakness. It's easy to sing to the choir and, with the help of cameras, convey the false impression that everyone agrees with you. It's just the kind of manipulation that Bush and Cheney really specialized in through the kind of events they orchestrated over and over again. It's called propaganda. And, I feel sorry for you that you are unwilling or unable to recognize it. Thank you for sending along the names of the people who were chosen and agreed to be the human backdrop to the governor's little press conference. I'm sure it was an honor for them to be part of this nationally televised event and that they were proud to stand behind their governor. That's one of the allures of power. But, that doesn't make it not PR or proganda to try to convey the false impression of uniformity of support for everything the governor said and the equally false impression of widespread and substantial diversity. The wide camera angle pictures of Congress during the State of the Union, and of the nominating conventions, demonstrates that the latter impression is far from reality. And, the actual political divide as was fairly shown in the State of the Union demonstrates that the former impression the response attempted to created was also false. It was a nice looking show, though, and much better than last year's response. But it was theatre.
  • Reply to: Bob McDonnell, Human Wallpaper & the Stagecraft of the Response to the State of the Union   14 years 8 months ago
    The white woman in the shot is Janet Polarek, secretary of the commonwealth. Above her is Jim Cheng, secretary of commerce and trade. The soldier is Staff Sargeant Robert Tenpenny, who served with the governor’s daughter Jeanine McDonnell in Iraq. Above him is Lisa Hick-Thomas, secretary of administration. They are members of his cabinet. Your attempts to trash him over this are pathetic. They make you sound like a racist and ignorant partisan who ignores the fact that many important speeches are conducted by governors and presidents with their cabinet surrounding them.
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   14 years 8 months ago
    I support the above comment about how FAI surgery can help and that a few insurance companies are arbritrarily denying coverage. The surgery worked so well on Alex Rodriguez that potential subsequent surgery proved unncessary. Apparently athletes can get covered to repair a labral tear, but anyone with United HealthCare or Aetna have to live their lives in constant pain if FAI caused their labral tear. If only those at the insurance company could walk around in the shoes of those who suffer FAI, they would do what they could to resolve the pain. Their are enough success stories to prove that the surgery is not experimental.
  • Reply to: Outlook Rosy for Nuclear Industry, Despite Unsolved Problems of Waste and Safety   14 years 8 months ago
    Nuclear power is like playing Russian roulette, The supporters of nuclear should be the hosts for storage of the waste from the industry. Every home should get a barrel in their home. The largest and safest nuclear power plant already exists, it’s called the SUN. Fortunately it is at a safe distance and provides ample energy daily. We need an investment in technology on par with the Manhattan project to unlock the ability to effectively harness this energy. This is our future- Nuclear has its place, in science and in history. Resurrecting Nuclear energy is an act of insanity.
  • Reply to: Outlook Rosy for Nuclear Industry, Despite Unsolved Problems of Waste and Safety   14 years 8 months ago
    Will any private insurer, say Nationwide, ever write a policy for a nuclear plant? Never! And thanks to lobbying like that mentioned above, the dirty, unsafe, expensive nuclear industry will never have to try to buy such a policy. After you read the excellent "Forget Nuclear" Amory Lovins link posted by the commenter above, look on Wikipedia here: to see why nuclear industry has any chance of competing with solar or wind. The game has been rigged, that's why. Lastly, here's a 2002 photo of a massively corroded reactor head at the Davis-Besse plant here in my home state of Ohio: Because of lax inspection procedures, we nearly had a meltdown. Chernobyl & 3-Mile are only the best-known catastrophes. Please don't be convinced that "the most expensive way to boil water ever invented" is anything like a clean alternative substitute. We need to expose nuclear propaganda and fight both parties on this issue.
