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  • Reply to: NPR Includes Trash Talk in Obituary for Howard Zinn   14 years 8 months ago

    Jon Stewart finished up Thursday night's Daily Show with, "Here it is, your moment of Zinn." That's worth a dozen of William Buckley or David Horowitz.

  • Reply to: Take Action! Millions to Lose Unemployment Insurance   14 years 8 months ago
    The above post is probably the best argument for expanding the UI program to provide for work share program!
  • Reply to: Bob McDonnell, Human Wallpaper & the Stagecraft of the Response to the State of the Union   14 years 8 months ago
    <blockquote>"That's the way to whip the Wise Latina into line! Denounce her as a rogue on national television, being sure that even she will not sass back in the face of Democratic handclaps."</blockquote> Huh? In what way did Obama denounce Sotomayor as a rogue? She was one of the four justices who dissented from that decision. Also, thank you for giving me a new word to look up, namely "ochlocrat." It's a beauty; even spell check doesn't recognize it. Could I offer some advice, though? Ostentatiously dragging in a word that so many people have to look up and that turns out to refer to government by the mob, while writing in your general rhetorical style, makes you look like a wannabe elitist. Just sayin'.
  • Reply to: Tribune Plans Millions in Exec Bonuses while Reporting Gets Cut   14 years 8 months ago
    I am not at all surprised at the bonuses being sought by executives, however, it seems that bankruptcy tends to line the pockets of company executives and lawyers with those owed money getting pennies on the dollar. As a former manufacturer, it was rare that I received more than a pittance of what was owed me from companies filing bankruptcy while lawyers get their money off the top. I've read they did quite well as a result of the auto companies and I'm sure that a few top law firms did "high fives" over the Bear Stearns & Lehman Bros. mess. I am lucky to have survived the creative legal wranglings of attorneys facilitating Ryder/PIE which kept me up nights over imaginative rules designed by brilliant lawyers to get additional money from customers long after services were rendered and paid in full. We could use some of these geniuses on the side of "the little guy."
  • Reply to: Take Action! Millions to Lose Unemployment Insurance   14 years 8 months ago
    I am not in favor of extending Unemployment Compensation. It has been my experience that most people do not seek work until their Unemployment begins to run out. The amount they receive and the amount they are permitted to earn and still receive payment make securing a job a poor financial decision for most middle-class workers. We need programs that work; not ones that make it difficult for participants to get off those programs as it is not in their best interest to do so. As a former business owner, I found it difficult to entice Welfare and Unemployment recipients as they would lose eligibility for a host of government programs and I would have had to pay them far more than their skills merited to make up for that loss. We need to stop throwing money at problems and find solutions to the increasing plight of the poor and middle class. The tax burden on the middle class is unsustainable and the programs create a sense of entitlement when what we need is a path to a more productive life with temporary measures to sustain those facing financial ruin.. Having said that, we also need to stop throwing money in the form of subsidies and tax breaks to the rich and corporations. They too, have a strong sense of entitlement and a far louder voice in decisions. The middle class is being bilked from the top and the bottom with no end in sight. We need new ideas. Single-payer universal health care would have been a start but...
