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  • Reply to: NPR Includes Trash Talk in Obituary for Howard Zinn   14 years 8 months ago

    Stewart's comments were an insider joke appreciated by his audience. The listeners who send money to PBS unfortunately trust NPR as good journalism with a broader spectrum of opinion than FOX/ABC/CBS/CNN/etc. Too bad the news bosses at NPR are so good at marginalizing, ignoring and blacklisting voices like Zinn's, voices that so need to be heard and heard frequently, but are disdained by mainstream corporate media, including corporate-sponsored public media, because they threaten the political interests and power of big corporate funders of national media.

  • Reply to: This Week in Banking: Root Canals, Rhetoric or Real Reform?   14 years 8 months ago
    TARP sealed the fate of the Bush administration as being an administration of failed policies, corruption, dishonesty, and knee jerk reactions !! There was no thought put into that bailout for banks, and the country...AGAIN...will pay the price for Bush's failed policies. Obama was make changes and steer this country in the correct direction and lift people out of the misery of the lost decade. But the republicans have only one answer for the american people...NO !!! We cannot and should not put up with this obstructionist attitude. The republicans act like a bunch of children and cry when they don't get there way. I got news for the my opinion you were in charge of both chambers of congress since 1994 and look where we're at !! Republicans have failed to produce anything that has been good for this country. I'm talking about DOMESTIC've failed, and the american people let you know you failed in 2006 and again in 2008 !! For the republicans to fight this president on every single issue is just outrageous, and people wonder why the tea-party movement erupted onto the stage. It's because they feel they've been duped and they are mad as hell !! Also, Reid and Pelosi need to stop playing the role of king of the senate, and queen of the house and start getting republicans onboard and stop shoving their nose in the carpet !! We the people already shoved their noses in the carpet, so MOVE ON !!! In my opinion, President Obama should break these banks up, hold the criminals accountable, and pass legislation to regulate these vultures so they can never bring this economy to the brink again !! If this doesn't get done, then we the people need to stop using these big banks and let them whither on the vine and vote every single incumbent out of office !! I don't agree with everything Howard Zinn believed in (rest his soul) but this I do believe...WHEN THE PEOPLE RISE IN CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, THE GOVERMENT WILL CONFORM !!!
  • Reply to: Breaking News--New Media "Visionary" Arrested in Plot Against U.S. Senator   14 years 8 months ago
    Someplace, Richard Nixon is smiling...
  • Reply to: Take Action! Millions to Lose Unemployment Insurance   14 years 8 months ago
    Are you Unemployed?????!!!!!!
  • Reply to: NPR Includes Trash Talk in Obituary for Howard Zinn   14 years 8 months ago

    This extends to all of the "major" news outlets. Worse than including scathing comments from critics in a eulogy , Zinn's death was curiously omitted from the rags people consume for their daily news. I found myself being the bearer of bad news to friends that hadn't even heard of Mr. Zinn's passing.
