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  • Reply to: Supreme Discomfort: Doubting the Thomases   14 years 6 months ago
    " .... raising concerns about political impartiality for the nation’s highest court. Although Americans generally expect justices to be politically neutral and judicial rules prohibit judges from participating in political activity, those rules don’t extend to spouses, and a justice’s decision to recuse him or herself from a case is theirs alone." Only the historically innocent can harbor any such illusions of political neutrality, Especially in recent decades, long since progressive judge nominee roasting campaigns which have added Borking to the vocabulary, it takes real chutzpah for one of them to post cheap shots like this. Read a little history, fellow. Here's a good place to start: "The appointment of Frankfurter and other political liberals and progressives, many believed, would transform the Court. It didn't, and the reason why it didn't aids us in understanding the perceptions about and of the Court today." "During the 1950s and early 1960s, Frankfurter's vision of judicial restraint appeared increasingly out of step with a majority of the Court." The 'transformation' expected in the 1940's was delayed until the 1950's and after, but it is simply mendacious to suggest that the public still expects judges to rule in a politically neutral fashion, after decades of intense campaigning by all sides to achieve the exact opposite, as their political inspiration, FDR, had attempted a bit prematurely to do.
  • Reply to: Palin Now Supportive of Health Care Reform   14 years 6 months ago

    This item, sadly, turned out to be an April Fool.

    Anne Landman

  • Reply to: FreedomWorks Behind Tax Day Tea Party Protests   14 years 6 months ago

    Your problem is obvious, the tea parties are effective and this bothers you. I'm an over the road truck driver and organized two events with the help of two of my children. I know you don't like hearing this but it's the truth, I understand that's something you just don't know about. People like myself however do understand how you follow George Soros and his cronies. We are grassroots leaders not followers.

  • Reply to: FreedomWorks Behind Tax Day Tea Party Protests   14 years 6 months ago

    Obviously, you haven't attended any tea parties, I organized two of them last year,and at both of them George Bush and the Republican machine was directly called out for their misuse of public funds and several other reasons. I suggest you come out from behind your little computer screen and attend one of these events. We simply believe in our constitution and the limited powers granted to the federal government. These tea parties are also here to protect your rights, so please attend one. I'm an over the road truck driver, so I know if I can not only organize a tea party but also attend,then surely you can find the time.

  • Reply to: Media Feeds Americans Fake News About Afghanistan   14 years 6 months ago
    Well, lets see...we went to war under false pretensions (lies). we stayed there under false pretensions (lies to deliver democracy), so what makes us think those there will send home truth, especially when there are corporations making billions the longer we stay in these countries. See this link: or search global security. Peace
