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  • Reply to: FreedomWorks/Tea Party Leader Dick Armey Lobbied for Terrorist Group   14 years 6 months ago

    The MEK is the same terrorist cult which has so far killed, as they assumed, over 12000 innocent Iranian civilians. They have killed our president, prime minister, judiciary chief and many members of parliament as well as ordinary people. They set fire on buses, planted roadside bombs, launched mortar attacks on residential compounds and staged arm struggle against the Islamic republic in which they opened fire at anyone who left bear without asking why. They sided with Saddam Hussein and fought alongside the Iraqi dictator against their own people. They also helped the vampire in the massacre of Iraqi Kurds and suppression of Shiites in Iraq. MEK has killed over 25000 people in Iraq and is now followed by the Iraq’s judicial system for the crimes they have committed so far. But what is important now is the sever mental as well of physical conditions of those MEK members in camp Ashraf ; those who are a different type of Rajavi’s cult victims. Being isolated from the outside world in a remote Iraqi desert for years, the MEK ranks and file members are kept in a semi-garrison place with no access to the free media and merely receive what the leaders like them to receive without knowing what really goes on beyond the tall walls of the camp now for decades. Iran has offered the dissident MEK members amnesty as a result of which many have escaped the camp and returned home and are now leading ordinary lives like other Iranian citizens. Lets hope the rest of enslaved MEK members be released from the chains of Rajavis’ prison and return to their home and families….

  • Reply to: FreedomWorks/Tea Party Leader Dick Armey Lobbied for Terrorist Group   14 years 6 months ago

    The MEK is the same terrorist cult which has so far killed, as they assumed, over 12000 innocent Iranian civilians. They have killed our president, prime minister, judiciary chief and many members of parliament as well as ordinary people. They set fire on buses, planted roadside bombs, launched mortar attacks on residential compounds and staged arm struggle against the Islamic republic in which they opened fire at anyone who left bear without asking why. They sided with Saddam Hussein and fought alongside the Iraqi dictator against their own people. They also helped the vampire in the massacre of Iraqi Kurds and suppression of Shiites in Iraq. MEK has killed over 25000 people in Iraq and is now followed by the Iraq’s judicial system for the crimes they have committed so far. But what is important now is the sever mental as well of physical conditions of those MEK members in camp Ashraf ; those who are a different type of Rajavi’s cult victims. Being isolated from the outside world in a remote Iraqi desert for years, the MEK ranks and file members are kept in a semi-garrison place with no access to the free media and merely receive what the leaders like them to receive without knowing what really goes on beyond the tall walls of the camp now for decades. Iran has offered the dissident MEK members amnesty as a result of which many have escaped the camp and returned home and are now leading ordinary lives like other Iranian citizens. Lets hope the rest of enslaved MEK members be released from the chains of Rajavis’ prison and return to their home and families….

  • Reply to: Front Group King Rick Berman Gets Blasted by his Son, David Berman   14 years 6 months ago
    I'm anti Rick Berman, but you pretty much ruin your credibility with the term "public interest organization." My local MADD chapter laudes trigger-happy cops (google "MADD mansker).
  • Reply to: CMD Releases Bailout Tally, $4.6 Trillion in Federal Funds Disbursed   14 years 6 months ago
    Thank you for your comment. Our materials accurately describe the Federal Reserve funds as loans. The funding is not directly from tax coffers, but it is the taxpayer's money, and taxpayers will be ultimately responsible for the Fed's actions. In this instance, the Fed is making a lot of risky loans and is not revealing publicly what it is has accepted as collateral for these loans (this is what the Bloomberg News Freedom of Information Act suit is about), nor is it saying much about the $1 trillion in (toxic?) mortgage backed securities it has purchased. Fortunately, Bloomberg is winning is case in the federal courts and taxpayers may soon learn more about our chances of ever being paid back for this extraordinary effort to prop up the financial sector.
  • Reply to: CMD Releases Bailout Tally, $4.6 Trillion in Federal Funds Disbursed   14 years 6 months ago
    Ronald Hirsch: I’m troubled by your criticism of this research paper based on their use of the word “cost.” At this phase these programs and all the funds dispersed so what other word would you suggest? No matter how one describes these taxpayer bailouts they are a cost, or an outlay, or an investment until all the money and any expected return is actually paid back and available to the public for other needs. Until that time these funds are locked up and committed and any expectation of repayment is speculation at best.
