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  • Reply to: A Tax Day Protest We Can All Get Behind   14 years 6 months ago
    What about those people like myself who struggle to get by - living paycheck to paycheck - who's company has a stock purchase program? I use these stocks just to try and catch up every 6 months and now they want to tax people like me to dip more into the little money I have? What happened to "if you make less than $200k, your taxes won't go up"? Did everyone forget about that already? How about adding a penalty tax to the businesses who gave out bonuses to executives if they received any money from the government? I didn't ask for these companies to be saved - they did and they are the ones who should be penalized.
  • Reply to: A Tax Day Protest We Can All Get Behind   14 years 6 months ago
    I'd like to propose a minor revised version of your last chant that we can sing to Wall Street. "Hey, Wall Street, its not fair, its time to pay for your fair share!" Chant it to the rhythm of "Oh, Ricky, your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind." This version flows off the tongue better.
  • Reply to: A Tax Day Protest We Can All Get Behind   14 years 6 months ago
    Jobs for Justice are commies. VOTE REPUBLICAN.
  • Reply to: A Tax Day Protest We Can All Get Behind   14 years 6 months ago
    That actually makes sense when you think about it. Lou
  • Reply to: Smoking in "Avatar": Necessary to "Reflect Reality"?   14 years 6 months ago

    Instead of promoting development of a delivery system for ingesting the active ingredient of tobacco, which has recognized beneficial effects (along with some deleterious side effects, like most biologically effective pharmaceuticals), independently of the wizards brew of carcinogenic hydrocarbons that form from combustion of the tobacco and various additives, anti-smoking zealots demonize tobacco company attempts to accomplish that goal while they persist in milking the revenue stream from sale of the "dangerous" delivery system for statist programs.

    Yes, we want to end Evil Tobacco, but in the meantime, let's tax the snot out of the smokers and sue the pants off the manufacturers to get more money for doing well by doing good. Surely some of the booty acquired thereby will stick to our fingers so we can run largely ineffective "don't smoke" programs, even if our rapacious state legislators divert most of it to their pet pork projects, like they do with the "For Education" state lotteries and other schemes for preying on the devotees of magical thinking.
