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  • Reply to: More Must be Done to Stop Foreclosures   14 years 4 months ago
    In addition to the the banks covering their losses (depreciation) this way; extending the higher trial-payments (well beyond the known means of the homeowners), foreclosing on the homes, cashing-in on the foreclosure insurance, and then reselling the home... Let's not forget that the banks have also received quite a bit in incentive$ for the modification program too. See ProPublica's page, "Making Home Affordable - The Mortgage Loan Modification Plan" - it shows how much each bank is to receive. 107 recipients $47.9 billion promised $130 million actually invested, loaned, or spent
  • Reply to: More Must be Done to Stop Foreclosures   14 years 4 months ago
    "Congress should give the Federal Reserve funds the same level of scrutiny that HAMP has received and consider attaching some strings to these funds to force banks to do more to assist American households." While I agree with the larger premise of this statement, what is not mentioned is the utter failure of HAMP to follow through with oversight on the banks which have been using and ABUSING the program - and surprise, surprise, to their advantage. ProPublica had an excellent piece recently exposing the the mortgage company that has the worst track record in this regard, Saxon: "No Penalties for Mortgage Company with Worst Loan Mod Backlog" I would put a link to it here, but it's preventing me from posting this comment (the auto-spam filter). Essentially it's about how banks utilizing the modification program are leaving their homeowners in limbo, often doubling and even tripling the required trial-payment period (3mo.) before making an offer of properly adjusted rates, and then foreclosing on them (some without notice and even while telling them they are approved) despite the homeowners making the MUCH higher trial-payments for far longer than they should have been required to do so. Consumer advocacy groups say many of the homeowners which went into foreclosure in the HAMP program are worse off than they would have been had they NOT entered the program too. One thing that the ProPublica article doesn't address, and I believe is what's encouraging banks to foreclose and resell out from under owners is banks cashing in on foreclosure insurance! To me, the question is simple; why else would banks go through the trouble of foreclosing and selling to somebody else? Especially when banks sell these homes for a price much lower than the original mortgage, and that price is also what the original owners are often willing to pay anyway too. So I believe the banks are covering their losses (depreciation) this way; extending the higher trial-payments (well beyond the known means of the homeowners), foreclosing on the homes, cashing-in on the foreclosure insurance, and then reselling the home.
  • Reply to: Sex and the City 2: More Hype, Less Appeal   14 years 4 months ago

    Here are 5 reasons behind product placement in the movie:


  • Reply to: Sex and the City 2: More Hype, Less Appeal   14 years 4 months ago

    ...ninety percent of what's called "social criticism" is really nothing more than bashing other people's taste?

    I, for one, would be glad to let "them" whoop up Sex and the City for ever and ever if they'd just keep their hands off the environment, energy, war and peace, health care, etc., etc., etc.

  • Reply to: How Much Oil Is Really Spilling into the Gulf of Mexico?   14 years 4 months ago
    May 30, 2010 Help on how close the tide bp oil leak system "Pantheon" I. Envelope-shaped jacket deflated carbon fiber to cr eate a ring with a trapezoidal section features the following attachments with double-wall flexible tubing fi t over the outer bubbling helium gas and 150 bar inside the pumping liquid cement II. Ring- back for second ring sectors always drive cables to the union of several segments to the top of the issue III. The ring elements wi thin them contain a network carrier whic h is collapsible for their use is necessary to us e inert gas for lifting then follows the injection of liquid cement IV. DESCRIPTION SYSTEM PROPOSED: V. The area of the former can be sc aled to the characteris tics of a diameter of about 50 m to 10 m and a base height of 2 m s hould know the morphology of the shelf VI. The firs t coarse positioning can be such as to adapt to the fund of any kind for his placement of common weights can be us ed, then you will need to fill the tubes wi th helium at 150 bar connecting the pipes will provide helium through the management of pressur e to enlarge the conduits and injection of liquid cement Relay output progres sive VII. The rings wil l feature segments on the guide rope amarr e for further instal lation of the second flexible ring again with the same injection system VIII. In this way even in the presence of explosive gases and the lik elihood of action is safe. IX. The proposed sys tem has a high probabil ity of suc cess because even in extreme conditions placed on the first ring the rest is very easy and fast to implement. X For the installation can be used for ballast on normal because it is not required any kind of accuracy. The advantage of this system is that we can thr ough the hose is placed wi thout the dual pressur e gas When the ring of tissue reaches the bottom you can begin to put pres sure on the ex ternal sector that win the isostatic pressure of 150 bar, thereby generating the inner duct for the injection of liquid cement. The use of liquid cement involves the level ing of the r ing for the cons truction of dome and then afinal element for the success . The sys tem should have only two Judas areas to avoid the action of strong currents using more guides there is the problem that twisting. Finally getting up to level decr ease the v olume of cement to be injected thus supported the counter issuanc e system can be called "Pantheon". Estimated time of material success first 12 hours The final par t I think the VS . brought good job. Zandonella
