Recent comments

  • Reply to: "Toning Shoes" or Phony Shoes?   14 years 3 months ago

    I have a feeling my comment will fall on deaf ears, since it sounds like most of the naysayers here are determined to not hear the good points about this shoe. But my experience just might help someone, so I'll offer it.

    These shoes were recommended to me by a nurse who is on her feet all day. She said the shoes seemed to take pressure off her knee and hip joints. Since that's the kind of shoe I need, I checked these out. At first, the shoes are a little hard to get used to, because of the balancing situation, but they do help take the pressure of my aching knee joints. The ones I bought (not Skechers, but MT) did not claim to help you lose weight or tone up. Yes, they are ugly. Yes, they are expensive. But they allow me to stand and walk without aching soreness (my feet are never sore when I wear them, either) for much longer periods than with other shoes. So they are worth every penny to me.

    Everyone here should think twice before saying "you should just join a gym" or "you should just go for a jog." Not everyone can do these things. So the price of the shoes is a more practical and accessible solution.

  • Reply to: CMD at Netroots Nation   14 years 3 months ago
    It should be a good event I look forward to see what comes from it.
  • Reply to: Chez Sludge: How the Sewage Sludge Industry Bedded Alice Waters   14 years 3 months ago
    So, the inorganic elements are "stringently" controlled, are they? I suppose the very good and very well-connected folks at the SFPUC just thought we weren't getting enough yummy dioxin in our diet, is that it? No,. I believe the word "toxic" sums up your despicable product quite well, Mr. Public Utilities Flack, and I and every one else with a brain left in their head will continue to refer to it for what it obviously is to all but those who are trying to find cheap ways of getting rid of what is obviously a major environmental problem.
  • Reply to: Government Bans Reporters in Gulf   14 years 3 months ago

    I don't think this is a right to know what is going on issue. Everyday we are told what is going on as they try measure after measure to fix the problem. We have all heard so much and by now we need them to fix it. At this point we just need to get out of their way so they can put a stop and get this fixed. I still hope this latest cap is the fix. This really needs to be contained.

  • Reply to: When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Switch the Subject   14 years 3 months ago
    There has to be a better way way then all this. This is just a spin around and around and around. This is obviously a challenging situation with opposition every which way. We should be better.
