Recent comments

  • Reply to: "Toning Shoes" or Phony Shoes?   14 years 3 months ago

    They certaintly sound like phoney shoes, especially when it comes with a DVD and instruction manual!!! However, they may be very comfortable to to wear and may appeal to someone out there.

  • Reply to: Senate Bank Reform Bill One Vote Short   14 years 3 months ago
    And the perfect is the enemy of the good here. It's not perfect so out with it. Too bad this argument is adopted, since it is the one the Repugnicans have been using to thwart every single initiative the Obama Administration has brought forward. Too bad so many Democrats and Independents are falling for it.
  • Reply to: When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Switch the Subject   14 years 3 months ago
    What percentage of immigrants are themselves vulnerable, low paid? I'd guess that it is the majority. So they want to talk about a tourism boycott affecting low paid employees to deflect from the fact that an immigration ban will be easing the competition for those on a lower wage. I really can't see what Arizona is doing wrong in all this, there needs to be a time when you start to look after your own.
  • Reply to: Government Bans Reporters in Gulf   14 years 3 months ago

    wow.... this look bad.... america - example of democracy.... bad bad bad..

  • Reply to: Chez Sludge: How the Sewage Sludge Industry Bedded Alice Waters   14 years 3 months ago
    [[Jill Richardson]] provided her with information that resulted in her tweaking language on the SFPUC website. However, nothing in the documents or her public statements to date indicates any serious concern with or opposition to growing food in sewage sludge.
