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  • Reply to: When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Switch the Subject   14 years 3 months ago
    I graduated from high school in 1987, some 23 years ago. Even back then, this was a very well known and used debate technique that we used all the time. Not only did we use it all the time, but it was almost always effective because the rebuttals to your switched focus drive the original argument farther away than before. Politicians also do this all the time. So I guess I'm not sure why this is such a noteworthy story. It seems almost natural and expected to me.
  • Reply to: Environmental & Health Effects of Oil Dispersants a Mystery to BP and the Government   14 years 3 months ago
    These dispersants can't be good for our water. It's time the government steps in and makes this right.
  • Reply to: Environmental & Health Effects of Oil Dispersants a Mystery to BP and the Government   14 years 3 months ago
    I have read that Environmental Protection Agency has ranked worst environmental health problem in the nation. And BP is not main reason tot think so. National health problem is permannent.
  • Reply to: Smoking in "Avatar": Necessary to "Reflect Reality"?   14 years 3 months ago

    - Those who only warn about and condemn the natural parts of tobacco and its smoke fail to condemn the same things from candles, incense (even in churches), campfires, stoves, wood burning kits, and anything else. Arbitrariness gives away a lot. It's as if they hope to hide the Huge Importance and harms of tobacco pesticides, dioxin-producing chlorine pesticides and chlor-bleached paper, carcinogenic rads from certain fertilizers, toxic and carcinogenic AND untested additives galore, and so forth. They want to scapegoat the unpatented natural tobacco plant for all the reported illnesses and deaths. The Blame The Victim ruse is not new. With corporatized mainstream media, and with PR watchers who don't watch anything in this area, it now works better than ever.

    - That RJR bought out American Spirit is a tragedy. Am. Spirit cannot fight against the slurs and lies about effects of tobacco smoke...meaning plain tobacco...because their new "boss" is one of the purveyors of the bad stuff...the fake and highly-contaminated tobacco. RJR should be an evil COMPETITOR to Am. Spirit, not it's owner. It's like Al Capone owning the cops.
    As of now, Am,. Spirit can't even truthfully and importantly label it's Organic Tobacco as Organic. Did they put up a fight...perhaps to the Sup Court? No.

    - How does THAT work as precedent for food producers labeling products, correctly, as organic? Will that "suggest" a safer food? SAYS it's a safer food. Big Food Processing won't like that truthfulness.

    -- Searches for benefits of tobacco indeed do turn up "digestive relief" often...thus explaining one reason why tobacco has been used since time began (or a bit later) after meals and otherwise. As for tobacco being an appetite suppressant, natural plants in all parts of the world have been used for that purpose for eons...khat, coca, betel nuts, etc. Guess what...they're all now "ILLEGAL". They just compete too well with the patented pharm products to do the same things.
    Cannabis, which helps produce appetite, is also "illegal" generally. It's just that Nature Is Not Allowed To Interfere With Big Biz. No money in it.

    -- It is absolutely absurd to say that plain tobacco, as has been used for about ten thousand years, is no different in "safety" from products that contain pesticides, dioxin-creating chlorine, burn accelerants, addiction enhancers, rads from those fertilizers, kid-attracting sweets and flavors etc., and toxins and co-carcinogens galore in the selection from lists of over 1000 UNTESTED non-tobacco cig additives. Dioxin-free ANYTHING is automatically the safer. Has Agent Orange, and Rachel Carson, been erased from the books?

    It's not that "there's no safe dose of tobacco smoke", it is that certifiably there is NO Safe Dose of cigarette smoke or wherever. To ignore chlorine in this "smoking'" brouhaha is to be either lying or badly misinformed.
    I mean....much of the "anti smoking" establishment IS the Chlorine Industry...covering up their complicity...scapegoating both Mother Nature and the unwitting victims who think and are still viciously told it's just tobacco. The Big Lie of our era....a lie that frighteningly has corrupted so much of our vital medical science system. Just TRY to get a body burden test for pesticides and dioxin etc.
    Insurance won't cover it because, likely, the for-profit insurer invests Billions in most or all of the chlorine cartel. Nice system.

    How many "smoking related death" victims have been autopsied for dioxins and pesticides and that PO-210 fertilizer radiation? Any?

  • Reply to: "Toning Shoes" or Phony Shoes?   14 years 3 months ago

    There are non-Skechers versions of this shoe, which do not claim to aid weight loss, muscle tone, or decrease cellulite, and for people with joint pain, the shoes are very helpful. The rocking motion helps you take the pressure off the joints. At least that's been my experience. Hairdressers and janitorial staff who are on their feet a lot swear by them, too. I know because that's how I found out about the shoes, from a cleaning woman at my office and from my sister's hairdresser. Yes, the shoes are ugly and expensive. But it's worth it because of the relief I get from my aching knee and hip joints. So there.
