Recent comments

  • Reply to: P&G Admits to Dumpster Diving   14 years 3 months ago

    Dumpster diving can be a hazardous activity for many reasons. Aside from the physical dangers of actually getting into a dumpster, dumpster diving can be hazardous for your reputation. P & G puts the blame on another company but they were negligent in hiring a company that would engage in such activities. The said company, if guilty, should be brought to legal proceedings. They engaged in an activity that is very similar to theft.

  • Reply to: Environmental & Health Effects of Oil Dispersants a Mystery to BP and the Government   14 years 3 months ago
    Dispersants in the Gulf oil mess--another case of the cure being worse than the ailment. Chemicals, including lawn fertilizer, are causing too many problems in several aspects of our lives.
  • Reply to: A New Twist on Cigarette Lawsuits   14 years 3 months ago

  • Reply to: Environmental & Health Effects of Oil Dispersants a Mystery to BP and the Government   14 years 3 months ago
    Although it is clear the damage that the oil spill and dispersants are doing, we hear calls to resume drilling. Had the same politicians been in office, we would still be using lead paint, DDT would be sprayed everywhere and aerosol cans would be king--wouldn't want to lose any jobs. Where were all these people when jobs were being shipped to China, India and third-world countries? Why is it we only want THESE jobs? Business is now subsidized as if they are doing us a favor by selling their product. So we build stadiums to keep teams, we build Walmarts so the next town doesn't get them and we pay the cost of doing business while the company gets subsidized, tax breaks, offshore accounts and gives its employees fewer benefits and less pay (except the guys at the top who live like royalty). Perhaps, it is only fair that oil is ruining our coast as we are the ones using most of it. And I don't accept that it's the fault of the American people and their gas guzzlers. Politicians have failed to do anything to move us into more appropriate fuels; in the pockets of oil companies although they've made campaign pledges for decades. Even Hummers got a $5K subsidy. Yeah, I'd like an electric car but my government has made sure that the only one I can get doesn't hurt the oil industry--it costs far to much to be a threat. CA tried and failed to require electric cars and that failure was due to unwillingness of car companies and politics not lack of consumer demand. And I'd like solar power and wind power and an end to bottled water and higher MPG standards. Congress can do more in one minute by legislating than volunteers can do in a lifetime. They just don't. Our government is so broken and I suspect it will become more polarized so I don't really see any significant solution on the horizon. If Bush tax cuts are extended, I fear I won't be able afford to live here anymore as the tax burden on me - middle class - will be too great and the cost of health care as I get older beyond my capacity to pay. This country CAN do better. It just won't. .L Richards
  • Reply to: Help Us With the Bankster Scorecard   14 years 3 months ago
    Despite your comments that two of the sections are good, other experts say that the bill is a band-aid for a grievous wound, and will not solve the problems that caused our Capitalist crisis. The rich are getting richer because the poor are paying for their mistakes. That's got to stop or there won't be any republic.
