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  • Reply to: Newsmax Ads Cast Blame on Obama for BP   14 years 3 months ago

    Y'know, I just figured it was some Tea Party or Republican interest group putting these up all the time--too bad these kinds of things don't pop up on the mainstream radar to put BP in an even worse light by passing the buck.

  • Reply to: Environmental & Health Effects of Oil Dispersants a Mystery to BP and the Government   14 years 3 months ago
    Of course, these bio remedies are not being used. Can we all acknowledge now that BP poisoned the World intentionally? Three warehouses full of microbes that eat oil, folks posting to youtube on the use of grasses to soak up the oil, all of it, and the grasses roll to shore, collect them and have it contained, and where it lands, use the microbes, which would have left behind only fish food. Microbes worked in the water too. Sad, very sad. Very intentional. Are we going to get to the bottom of responsibility? If we do not, they will continue. We could have been all green with energy at least 10 years ago, look at China and what they did in only ONE year! We, the People have to be diligent, or lose it all. May God go with us!
  • Reply to: Environmental & Health Effects of Oil Dispersants a Mystery to BP and the Government   14 years 3 months ago
    Who owns the dispersant company? BP Who had all of this massive amounts of some horrible otherwise useless chemical right there to dump into the oceans? BP Why would they even make such poison....only one reason....this! Why do they not brag up their tactics? We wouldn't buy it! Who gets paid first....the subsidiary, in other words....BP keeps its mega bucks!! Will we demand to know all of the details and track this back to its source, putting away for life the perpetrators of crimes against humanity---ALL of the whole EARTH's humanity? It's now or never folks! I think it must rest with our nonprofits to pursue this, as government is easily controlled by the elite. If all nonprofits do this in is too widespread and not yet in the grasp of the elite...we MIGHT have a chance. FIRST--DEMAND TODAY THAT DISPERSANTS STOP!!! Do NOT wait for testing! What parent would do that? Yeah, you can use jimmy's drugs until I get lab work back and have tested it for 30 years of trials???? JUST SAY^ NO!! We have to do it all together and NOW!
  • Reply to: Help Us With the Bankster Scorecard   14 years 3 months ago
    We have a brief follow-up to our remarks of yesterday [basically, that we're so disappointed about the most important missing item (of many) from the legislation being discussed here]. Before we comment, however, here is a continuous excerpt from David M. Herszenhorn's article in the NY Times this morning: NYT THIS MORNING: "Even Senator Christopher J. Dodd, Democrat of Connecticut and chairman of the banking committee who was a main author of the bill, acknowledged that Americans will probably not know for years — perhaps not until the next financial crisis strikes — if the response by Congress this year was sufficient, or falls short despite the best intentions. 'We won’t know the full results of what we have done until the very institutions we have created, the regulations we have suggested and provided for are actually tested,' Mr. Dodd said in a floor speech. 'We can’t legislate wisdom or passion. We can’t legislate competency. All we can do is create the structures and hope that good people will be appointed who will attract other good people — people who will make careers and listen and see to it that never again do we go through what we have gone through.' Passage of the bill would herald the end of more than a generation in which the prevailing posture of Washington toward the financial industry was largely one of hands-off admiration, evidenced by steady deregulation. While the measure DOES NOT FULLY RESTORE THE TOUGHEST RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED AFTER THE GREAT DEPRESSION, it is a clear turning point, highlighting a new distrust of Wall Street, fear of the increasing complexity of technology-driven markets, and renewed reliance on GOVERNMENT TO PROTECT THE LITTLE GUY." (EMPHASIS added) NOTE: Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 [passed by Congress in veto-proof form on November 4, 1999 (House 83.2% Yea & Senate 90% Yea) and signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999] conflicts with the anti-stupidity Articles, Sections & Clauses of this Constitution for the United States of America ― Repealed those portions of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 that prohibited consolidating the operations of commercial banks (deposit banks), investment banks, securities firms and insurance companies into financial services conglomerates...thereby precipitating the subprime mortgage-backed securities meltdown of 2007-09 and still counting. RHETORICAL QUESTIONS: There are two particular photos that we wish we could include in our comments here...of the signing of the CSA a.k.a. the G-L-B Act. They are two photos that have been circulating on the internet since 1999. In those "deliriously happy" photos (which perhaps this web log's facilitator might wish to publish). 1. If (retiring democrat senator) Mr. Dodd (middle rear, photos) had not voted for the Congressional Stupidity Act (CSA) of 1999 (i.e., G-L-B), would he have been in a better position in 2007-10 to more easily shepherd financial regulatory reform, and actually reverse the anti-Glass-Steagall Act stupidity provisions of G-L-B? 2. If (retired federal reserve chairman) Mr. Greenspan (left front, photos) had not been so supportive of the CSA of 1999 (i.e., G-L-B), would he have been in a better position in 2007-10 to explain why the U.S. economy tanked during the Bush administration (2001-2009)---and how he could have been so very wrong in the first place? 3. If (2007-10 republican house minority leader) Mr. Boehner (far right front, photos) had not voted for the CSA of 1999 (i.e., G-L-B), would he have been in a better position in 2007-10 to more easily explain his voting against financial regulatory reform that in the end apparently does not reverse the anti-Glass-Steagall Act stupidity provisions of G-L-B? CLOSING OBSERVATION ABOUT MR. DODD's APPEARANCE: Well...perhaps Mr. Dodd himself doesn't appear to be "deliriously" happy in 1999 (as Clinton, Greenspan, Gramm, Leach, Boehner et al all appear to be)...but we're willing to bet that Senator Dodd was at least "quietly" happy. OKJack™Group™ Middle & Working Class Disabled American Veterans We Paid the Dues that Aren’t Required!™
  • Reply to: Christian Leaders and Governors: God is Working Through BP   14 years 3 months ago

    It seems ironic that a minister named Jones is in the middle of the ongoing effort to promulgate guilt and despair in the name of 'Good News' by referencing the Old Testament which misnamed Evangelism - hopefully it is not all such - claims to supersede. I missed the part in many propositions where one is freed from being chained by innate error ( Synn is an archery term for margin of error ) by faith in God's benevolence and a refusal to abandon hope.

    However repugnant you find comparisons to Nazi propaganda, the nature of that perversion is taught in U.K. school texts for purposes of warning against falling for them.You do not cite the worldview of those who called for the death of their fellow rabbi as an example of enlightened change.

    The Jonestown Massacre - The Ministry of Terror

    I have troubles at times finding the exact sources I recall. These showed up.

    The Nazis were Christians too.
    Hitler's Christianity
    To deny the influence of Christianity on Hitler and its role in World War II, means that you must ignore history and forever bar yourself from understanding the source of German anti-Semitism and how the WWII atrocities occurred.

    By using historical evidence of Hitler's and his henchmen's own words, this section aims to show how mixing religion with politics can cause conflicts, not only against religion but against government and its people. This site, in no way, condones Nazism, Neo-Nazism, fascist governments, or anti-Semitism, but instead, warns against them.

    There's an interesting thread of the falseness of Hitler's position.
    Was Hitler a Christian?

    This site is used to the idea of how difficult it is to debunk extremist statments. Forgive me if I wonder if they themselves do not suffer from such.

    Examining Some Muslim Nonsense at "Examinethetruth".com

    "Don't Blame Darwinism for Hitler! Blame Christianity!"
    After the release of a controversial new documentary on evolution, public debate spiraled into the gutter. The Anti-Defamation League is making sure it stays there.

    Incidentally, all this is strange brew for those raised in the Ecumenical movement who saw it as emphasizing the common heritage of various Christian churches and Judaism : and the potential for enriching our views by noting what others had found rewarding ideas in their faith heritage. The Golden Rule stands out among all major teachings.

    I'm a compulsive linker. These are from under Religion

    Golden Rule : Universal Guide to Enlightened Behaviour
    Bismika Allahuma | Muslim responses to anti-Islam polemics
    Principal Tenets of Protestant Christianity
