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  • Reply to: Environmental & Health Effects of Oil Dispersants a Mystery to BP and the Government   14 years 2 months ago
    According to Popular Science, "Dispersants have never been applied on this scale, leaving environmental scientists guessing about the consequences. " I just hope the cap holds and that the oil cleanup is succesful.
  • Reply to: Environmental & Health Effects of Oil Dispersants a Mystery to BP and the Government   14 years 2 months ago
    EXXON valdez oil spill is visible after 20 yrs or so ...
  • Reply to: Winter Soldier: Eyewitness Accounts of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan   14 years 2 months ago
    This one is for you, Winter Soldiers, As it would seem, the Social Grace of the Rich is above the Law as long as the dollar support is at the back door. Do you wish to end this War, then stage a protest march that will awaken the American People, then take this War issue against Purdue Pharmaceutical Company.... I am tired of seeing our Men and Women of the United States Military die as the America Dollar supports our enemy. Join the International Boycott Of The Arabic Drug Empire Phase 2 Welcome to FASC Concepts / The Day The World Stood Still / We are at War with a Drug Empire For nine years we have been at war and I still ask the big why ? Why is there a hands off policy that prevent the destruction of these poppy plants ? Did you know that American Dollars supported the Terrorist Attack on 9/11/2001, and thousands of lives have been lost. Who are the investors of the Pharmaceutical Company Purdue that makes Oxycontin and how are they above the Law ? Oxycontin is Heroin made from the opium / poppy plants. It is Illegal by Law to buy and resale Heroin. Purdue is responsible for the deaths on 9/11 and the on going addiction here in America. If it was Purdue who wished to be known as the largest heroin dealer in the USA, well congratulations and for showing the people who you do business with. Purdue, you guys just dont get it, you all look like a bunch of idiots in the face of our enemy, and the American People look stupid. You all at Purdue are now in my way. This drug from the poppy plant and the fight against its use goes back around 4000 to 6000 years and man seeks to control that which has shown that the poppy plant is as nature selected, uncontrollable. This is like a old saying as the Scorpion stung the Frog as he swim across the water and the Frog said why did you do this , now both of us will die ? And the Scorpion said it is my nature.... This is my Little War against the Arabic Drug Empire. Please allow me to share a concept with the People Of America, that will build for tomorrow. The Great Wall Of China in America. A 10 year project, and within the respect of why China built that wall and even as of today China makes money from that wall. This project will build towns and cities on both sides of the border and will bring peace and security. Another concepts is, To find a way into the hearts of children, first you must allow a truth to be shared and then let this share build within their hearts and you will see children open their minds to things not known. I read these things and I see where the Arabic Drug Empire is involved with the Mexican Drug Lords. What lost of understanding is that according to the faith of Bin Laden it is forbidden by God to walk among the infidels. That all infidels are to be vanquished from this world in order that the chosen ones will repopulate the world. It is a well known fact that the Arabic Drug Empire seek biological war tactics and it has been heard that a chemical balance is sought of how to implement Biological with Drugs, in order for it to be undetectable. The betraying of the Mexican Drug Lords by The Arabic Drug Empire will bring death to Mexico and the United States. Why should the Mexican Drug Empire take faith in my words, first If you and I stood before God I say to you that this is true it is the words of the streets that hold credit, and nothing is offered to them, The Mexican Drug Lords, dealing drugs is illegal. So join Us International Boycott Of The Arabic Drug Empire Phase 2 Henry Massingale / FASC Concepts in and for Pay It Forward covers the web post on google Drop by and see why we built a anti crime / war form in a Health Care Reform Concept. To strategically Rebuild America www fascmovement mysite com on google look for page 1 american dream official site
  • Reply to: Environmental & Health Effects of Oil Dispersants a Mystery to BP and the Government   14 years 2 months ago
    Having watched this from afar I am pleased to see the leak has finally stopped and were now at the beginning of the end Hopefully now the enviromental clean up can really start knowing there is no more oil to come.
  • Reply to: Help Us With the Bankster Scorecard   14 years 2 months ago
    Regarding Elizabeth Warren and Brooksley Born: if these smart and forward-thinking women are happy with parts one and two of the legislation, that's good enough for me. Sadly, the third section, dealing with the size and capital requirements of mega-banks, was, is and, probably, will always be hyper-political. Perhaps in the future, if we are fortunate enough to retain a democratic Congress after the mid-terms, more work can be done in this area. I bank with Sovereign in New England. It is unfortunate and ironic that I can say "I do not trust my (Spanish-owned) bank". The consumer regulation portion of the legislation is of enormous importance to me. I only wish the Obama administration could be better at explaining why these changes in our laws are of significance to all Americans and that obstreperous Republicans ought to be punished for their refusal to participate constructively and honorably in the debate.
