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  • Reply to: Fight Over Fracking   14 years 2 months ago
    In Canada, fracking has several processes. One for oil, natural gas and WATER. For those that do not know when any type of hydrofracking takes place, all well veins within the fracking areas become unblocked. Think about this for a moment, if someone is living in a down slope of a oil or gas well their own water well becomes contaminated. Now really think about it, a cities water table is contaminated this is a real desaster. Why is it that money always prevails over environment disaster that can be thwarted or avoided completly. I sympathize with all the folks that are subjected to this type of abuse from corporation or government be it US, Canada or Spain. When are we going to wake up!
  • Reply to: "Big Booze"? Alcohol Industry Fears "Big Tobacco"-Like Treatment   14 years 2 months ago

    The whole notion of the government trying to tax us for things that they find morally reprehensible is ridiculous, and nothing but another way for them to gain more control over our personal lives. We live in an age of gov induced hypersensitivity, and now any little annoyance that is able to be stigmatized w/ propaganda is indulged as a legitimate problem. Pretty soon they're going to start persecuting ppl for wearing white, since it reflects light the best and technically would put the ppl around them at a greater risk for skin cancer. Yea, it's ridiculous sounding, but the logic is exactly the same as ppl that can't stand being around smokers. The government is the one instilling a sense of corporeality and attachment to our bodies, which is just another exercise in using fear (the only thing that governments are good at) as well as an attempt at preserving our bodies to increase productivity to the state (what other governments were health nuts for this same reason? oh yea, the nationalist socialist party). The same goes for the way the gov targets certain items to hike up the taxes on, such as "sin taxes." Like almost all laws passed in this country, there's always some corporate bullshit behind it. I took a free smoking cessation class back when I was in college, and it seemed like they legitimately wanted to help me until they started throwing expensive teeth whitening products at us at the end. (I remember one of the brands was malibu bright, which is by no means a cheap complimentary toothbrush if that's what you were picturing). They should just call it "the government needs an excuse to take more of our money" tax.

  • Reply to: Fight Over Fracking   14 years 2 months ago
    This fracking can contaminate the clean water of the state and can cause illness to the people.
  • Reply to: Fight Over Fracking   14 years 2 months ago
    They're fracking all over Colorado, too! No disclosure about what they're using - just a multi-million dollar "trust us" message from the industry, and the standard "don't interfere with capitalism" message from The Right. What could be more irreversible than injecting stuff deep in the ground, ESPECIALLY when the purpose is to make the rock MORE permeable! We also had some guy, a couple years back, that was convicted of "hiding"/disposing of toxic waste by injecting it into one of his wells. I think THAT deserved a life sentence. Talk about a menace to society! Re: New York's water supply. I thought there was, already, a huge plume of PCB-laden groundwater working its way into the Hudson drainage?
  • Reply to: Impeach the Oil-Investing Judge Who Declared Deep Sea Drilling Ban Void   14 years 2 months ago
    After reading this article I cannot believe that any elected person be it politician or judge can void a drilling ban that is destroying the environment. My last profession was with a large oil and gas company which has assets around the world and most perticularly with the tar sands in Alberta Canada. Just wodering if any judge in Canada would void a ban on drilling if a desaster would occur. Interesting article!
