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  • Reply to: "Big Shopping Malls" and "No Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza"   14 years 2 months ago
    This posting argues that there is a 'humanitarian crisis' in Gaza. It cites in support the UN Human Rights Commission. The UN Human Rights Commission is a 100% politicized group. Canada quit because of the lack of reality in its agenda and dubious fact-finding. During the recent Israel/Gaza war Hamas reported that 10,000 farms in Gaza were 'damaged' causing mass-starvation. 10,000 farms in the most crowded place on earth? Impossible. The Israelis have a 100% right under international law and common sense to want to inspect all imports into Gaza for weapons and things that can be used for weapons because Hamas is, every day, sending missiles into Israel. The Israelis find tunnels from Gaza into Israel almost every day (some 100 yeards and more underground). Arabs travel from Gaza to Israel every day for medical treatment - and some of these special visas are used by suicide bombers to get close enough to kill an Israeli. Blaming everything on israeli propaganda is not a fact-based argument. No one is denied medical aid, food or a roof in Gaza today. There is no evidence of rampant disease or malnutrition. None. The 'crisis' is a complete fabrication - just like Mohammed al-dura, Jenin, and a 1,000 other lies and propaganda from Hamas and the PA.
  • Reply to: The Newest Hasbara Group in Town: the Emergency Committee for Israel   14 years 2 months ago
    In spite of all the talk about the importance of a 2-state solution, this is really just a phony issue which has successfully managed to fog up the real issue. In fact, this has been the real issue since the UN ordered the partition of the old Palestine Mandate in 1947. The issue was then, and still is now, that the Arab states will not accept the right of Israel to exist as a free and democratic nation. The 2-state solution wasn't pushed from 1948 - 1967, when the West Bank (Jordan) and Gaza (Egypt) were under Arab control. It was only invented by Arafat as a ruse to keep the world's focus off their real goal - destroy Israel completely.
  • Reply to: Fight Over Fracking   14 years 2 months ago
    check out what's happening in Pennsylvania. ALL the corruption in our state gov is on display as our state forests are being vandalized and our watersheds polluted while no severance tax has even been enacted!
  • Reply to: Time for Journalists to Differentiate Propaganda from News   14 years 2 months ago

    Who was harmed in this whole sloppy affair? Certainly not the lady "smeared." She is now infinitely more famous, popular, influential and CERTAINLY wealthy than she was, say a couple of months ago. Her political views may be placed on public display, to be sure. But that is one of the things medianddemocracy is in favor, ain'tit? Or if not, then what's in a name? There is plenty of slipshod journalism in evidence her, (the end-product of training by liberal-dominated J-schools), but why hide these facts: Which media outlet ran the story first? The most often? Who actually DID something to the woman (i.e who fired her)? Which ethnic organization hurriedly condemned her, before listening to the entire speech? Can anyone "snooker" an organization with half a brain?

  • Reply to: Colorado Candidate for Governor Admits Plagiarism   14 years 2 months ago

    There is a long, very long, list of celebs who published and gained fame on the basis of plagiarized material. That list should be attached to the above article, or at least referenced. But you would not be interested. The reason is that the list includes such "ikons" as JFK, FDR, Einstein, Joe Biden et al...
    What about the "PhD" dissertation of Martin Luther King?
