Recent comments

  • Reply to: Unsafe From Any Gulf   14 years 2 months ago
    I was listening to the news report on the way to work today, and they said that the current cap on the well is holding and it looks like it will be successful this time. Did I get that information wrong?
  • Reply to: San Francisco's Toxic Sludge - It's Good for You!   14 years 2 months ago

    The problem is that apart from normal organic bodily waste, which is treated to a fairly high standard in STP's, other organic compounds and metals are not.
    The sludge contaminants are a direct result of the contaminants washed down the drains and it is at this point that the pollution must STOP.
    I dispair every time I see an advert on TV encoraging us to 'kill 99% of all bacteria'. We use the product, which then kills the beneficial bacteria at the sewage works and reduces the efficiency of the process. We then complain about sewage sludge containing too many pollutants.
    Sludge is NOT just fertiliser, but can be a real health problem.

  • Reply to: Health Insurers Leaning on State Insurance Commissioners to “Reform” Reform   14 years 2 months ago
    You should be fined for not having insurance because if you have an emergency and go to the emergency room, then you do not have the money for the bill, it gets charged to everyone else. By contributing to the pool and doing your part, overall costs come down. Its like stores that have to charge more because of all the theft. People go to the hospital and then not pay, it gets charged to everyone else.
  • Reply to: Wall St. Reform Passes! Reformers Celebrate Rare Victory Over Entrenched Special Interest   14 years 2 months ago
    the bill is pointing to a good direction ..that was needed and need to be imposed early to all states...
  • Reply to: Who Is Bankrolling the League of American Voters?   14 years 2 months ago

    OH PAALEASE! You have bought the propoganda machine's non-sense HOOK, LINE and SINKER!

    You should take Economics 101 over again. This is NOT about Healthcare, it's about POWER, POLITICS and the ELITE Class.

    Is our healthcare system perfect? NO! Does it need reform? Of Course, but not the kind of reform being proposed. If it was TRULY about Healthcare, there would be much different proposals coming forward. Not the non-sense that these extreme far-left wing radicals are proposing to control every single aspect of our lives. This idea is not only bad, it is bad for every single American.
