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  • Reply to: Health Insurers Leaning on State Insurance Commissioners to “Reform” Reform   14 years 2 months ago
    Please do not let insurance companies reclassify IT expenditures that are Electronic Record Management stimulus payments. These are taxpayer funded and not a normal part of insurance business. If they are reclassified, insurance customers will have provided two forms of corporate welfare instead of one. There is great controversy over these stimulus packages as it is because they are mostly being spent on non free software that will be inadequate for the task and very expensive. If the government does not mandate the use of free software for these systems, it will be another giant piece of welfare for another set of the countries richest companies. As long as the government is handing out taxpayer money, they should make sure taxpayer interests are served by making electronic records truly transferable instead of mired in vendor specific, even patented methods and formats.
  • Reply to: Who Is Bankrolling the League of American Voters?   14 years 2 months ago

    Looks like the right wing propaganda machine is still alive and well. Returning the tax bracket to 'NORMAL' levels is not a tax increase. At a time that we have record deficts we can not afford to continue to give away tax revenue to the rich, whom do not contibute to the demand for products and services. It is the average American that is driving the growth of the economy everytime they go the grocery store, everytime they shop for their families, everytime they eat out at resturants. Wealthy people sit on their money and do not create jobs. Trickle down economics do not work, try trickle up. League of American Voters needs to fess up to who is bankrolling them, otherwise they are trying to manipulate American politics from some closed door, backroom location just as they accuse the Democrats of doing.

  • Reply to: Citizens United Is a Radical Rewriting of the Constitution by Pro-Corporate Supreme Court   14 years 2 months ago
    This certainly was a step in the wrong direction in diminishing influence of corporations on political decisions .. we need to do something about lobbyists too not to mention the abundance of pork thrown into every bill. Unfortunately, political decisions will always come down to one thing .. money and power. That's exactly why our govt continues to support ethanol. .. its a midwest vote getter.
  • Reply to: Here's Your Change, Have a Nice BPA Day   14 years 2 months ago

    Interesting informatoin to be aware of. But I just wonder how much of a concern it really is. Unless you handle boatloads of receipts everyday, it's not something to be worried about, is it? Does this BPA have to be inhaled or does it penetrate the skin of the handler? Are cashiers at risk, for example? Does it affect adults as well as infants and small children?

  • Reply to: The Blame Game Double Standard   14 years 2 months ago
    But, let's be real. How can anyone blame Obama for the state of the economy? Yes, he's been in office for over a year, but it took 8 years (or longer) to screw up the economy. Do we have any idea what the state of the economy would be if the stimulus package had not been passed? There is no way to know for certain, we can only guess. As far as the Afghan War, anyone calling it Obama's war is deluded. He did not start the war, he inherited it. The Bush Administration screwed it up to pursue a different agenda in Iraq, a totally pointless war. Has Obama been perfect? Hardly, but he's been an improvement on Bush, and I suspect better than McCain would have been. Again, there is no way to be sure.
