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  • Reply to: Lauria Quit Cigarettes, But Now He's on the Bottle   14 years 1 month ago
    The International Bottled Water in Alexandria, VA. is not a part of the American Beverage Association in Washington. D.C. We do co-sponsor a bi-annual beverage trade show called InterBev but we are two distinct organizations. You slight tap water when you claim it "is essentially fee." It's not and people have the water bills to prove it. Municipal water systems are heavily subsidized dueto the importance of water as a public utility and it deserves all our support. Many people prefer to hydrate themselves with spring water or professionally purified water. Modern technology gives 100% recyclable, light-weight plastic bottles to make that possible. We strongly support single-stream curbside recycling prgorams because it is the best best to collect all recyclable material, not merely empty water bottles, which make up only 1/3 of one percent of the U.S. waste stream, according to the EPA. There are literally thousands of consumer goods packaged in plastic. Why do you single-out the healthiest beverage on the store shelf? Also, 90% of our members are small, family-run businesses who have bottled water for generations. As for your swipe at our You Tube communications, let me remind you You Tube is home to hand-made videos. If we had spend tens of thousands of dollars on slicker, more polished video, you'd be all over us for spending the money when its the message that counts. I invite you to view all 16 or 17 of our videos for a better understanding of bottled water companies.
  • Reply to: The Dirtiest Sport   14 years 1 month ago
    An excellent article - keep going. Apologists for Nascar are technically correct in pointing out that the environmental impact is small compared to other things, but they miss the point .The real impact is psychological. Pollution and driving at excessive speed are social ills, motor racing pretends to reverse that , by glamourising these things and suggesting they are "sports". Here in Europe we prefer Formula One, which is massively sponsored by the automobile and oil industry . The big picture is that motor racing (whether it's F1 or Nascar) may like to project the image of being run by enthusiasts but it's really big business in the driving seat, promoting conspicuous consumption .
  • Reply to: The Cato Institute's Generous Funding of Patrick Michaels   14 years 1 month ago
    I've heard that US energy department is creating this <a href="">air conditioning</a> system that reduces 175% of carbon monoxide with the budget of 500,000 USD dollars. It never stated in there when would be the project ends. regards
  • Reply to: Iraq Troop "Withdrawal" Propaganda   14 years 1 month ago

    Basing your argument on the US having "a huge number of American troops compared to eight years ago, when there weren't any in Iraq at all" is such a unfathomably poor argument that the entire article loses all credibilty in my mind.

    I'm sorry, but even if we only had 1 trainer in Iraq, by your argument, that would still be "infinitely more than 8 years ago, when we had zero." This is the type of poor media logic and reasoning that I come to this site to AVOID and EXPOSE.

  • Reply to: Iraq Troop "Withdrawal" Propaganda   14 years 1 month ago

    This is a prime example of the fact that there are few actual reporters in the main stream media. I'm not sure why this is the case, but it seems that there is no research into stories or questioning of facts anymore. They just report what the press release says and move on to the next press release.

    I totally agree with this story. The fact that all these troops are not only staying, but several more are due to be deployed there. The misinformation is troubling.
