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  • Reply to: Beyond Advertising: The Pharmaceutical Industry's Hidden Marketing Tactics   14 years 1 month ago
    I underwent breast augmentation after I had a sentinel node removed, and I have to warn you that sometimes it’s better to pay a little bit more and go to a more reputable doctor. I’m not going to list his name because it’s not like a got an infection or was a victim of malpractice or anything – it’s just that he has a poor eye for his work, to put it mildly. I understand that I am still recovering from the removal of the lymph node, but this is obviously a botched job here. I guess that’s what I get for getting the operation in Chula Vista.
  • Reply to: Appetite for Profit: An Interview with Michele Simon   14 years 1 month ago
    Simon has done some good work in the past but it's a shame that this will be overshadowed by her association with the neo-prohibitionist Marin Institute and their deplorable efforts.
  • Reply to: Psywar Film Reveals The Hidden Battle for Your Mind   14 years 1 month ago

    and as usual way back in the day when this all began with outright subliminal messaging from madison avenue, there was government oversight that actually oversaw this sort of behavior, found it and stopped it. now, no.

  • Reply to: Tom Ridge Joins the Marcellus Shale Coalition's Natural Gas Gold Rush   14 years 1 month ago
    I live in southern WV, rumor has it that drilling is to start here this fall. My area is covered in Karst topography, and all residents obtain water from wells or springs on their property. There is no infrastructure for municipal water to rural areas; even if there were it would still be pulled from underground source. Our area is full of caves with interconnecting fractures and channels that cover many miles. I’m very worried that in the case of an accident, whole communities would quickly be impacted with nowhere to turn. Can you provide any info that may ease my mind? Or documentation of drilling in known Karst areas. Also I still don’t understand if this type of drilling is safe, why was there a successful effort to excuse them from regulations?
  • Reply to: Taxpayers Owed Big Bucks Under the Bailout, Little Help for Homeowners Facing Foreclosure   14 years 1 month ago
    I would be interested to see how George Bush' bank account is doing. And his daddy' bank account. And Paulsen' personal finances? Why have these people dropped off the radar? How can anything positive come about when our media is totally controlled and the national debate totally manipulated by the very thieves who not only allowed this to happen, but actively engaged in the engineering of this disaster. If we would have let his majesty George Bush co-opt the Social Security fund for wall street would this have happened? He not only stole the election of 2000 he then went on to steal the hopes and dreams of democracy for years to come. With his flunky, Obama, in the white house and justice department and the interests of the fed firmly in control of the treasury department things look bleak for free men everywhere. But don't count us out, because if we are to be forced into slavery, the rich will find no comfort on this earth.
