Recent comments

  • Reply to: Philip Morris, RJR Lose Appeal, Must Pay $2.85 Million   14 years 1 month ago

    smoking cigarettes is addictive. the nicotine is the same addiction as heroin. smokers cannot just give it up. it is very hard to just stop smoking. i had to get help. i was totally addicted to nicotine and got very sick. after nearly 40 yrs of smoking, i have severe emphysema. when i started smoking, the tobacco companies lied to the public and made it fashionable and ok to do. when the warnings came out, it was too late for me. the addiction was overwhelming. now, i am on oxygen all the time and struggle to survive. as an ex smoker, yes i can tell you that i am partially responsible for believing in their products. i did not know that cigarettes have formalgyhide, sianyde, etc poisons in each cigarette. they never told the public the ingredients until it was too late.

  • Reply to: Citibank Sticks It to Customers -- and Congress   14 years 1 month ago

    CITI bank is full of scum that's trying to make money however possible and they do not care a good, long time customer that pay on time and triple than minimun payment. The recommend that nobody consider this company for credit or anything.

  • Reply to: The Struggle Behind the Scenes Over Health Care Reform   14 years 1 month ago
    A very informative post about the sad state of the healthcare system, for many years now there has been no concrete solution regarding the said problem. It is high time for the government to step up and start solving this problem.
  • Reply to: Lessons from the Health Care Meltdown   14 years 1 month ago
    A very informative post and I agree with the writer and those who commented that there really is a need for a healthcare program reform. The time to change is now.
  • Reply to: Psywar Film Reveals The Hidden Battle for Your Mind   14 years 1 month ago

    Politics as usual are getting pretty boring. With all the office holders glad-handing, taking photo ops, grandstanding for the press and hurling insults at one another, nothing important to the people… you know… US, is being done.

    Crime is rampant, our boarders have more holes than a good Swiss cheese, people are out of work, the economy falters and the balance of trade is way out of balance. None of our favorite sons seems to care, they are so busy doing everything but the work entrusted to them.

    Being a Republican or a Democrat used to mean something. You could be proud of your congressman or senator. People loved their president. America made things and exported them to everybody. The Japanese made junk and the Chinese made babies. Africa was a place where the wealthy went hunting. Everyone on the planet looked up to US.

    Where did we go wrong?

    I don’t know if I can put my finger on all of it, but I know a few things that are wrong;

    We don’t play as a team any longer.

    We have forgotten that all people are equal.

    We use hatred, innuendo, and fear instead of the truth and the facts.

    We don’t take the responsibility for our own actions, we blame our neighbors, we blame immigrants, we blame God.

    We have forgotten where we came from, who we are and where we need to go.

    It is time we remembered.

    We are the US in the USA, the citizens of the United States of America. We are a democracy, a republic and we are still the most powerful nation on this earth. We can do anything we set our minds to.

    We need to stop fighting with each other and work together to solve our problems. We must lay the blame aside and begin to cooperate with each other once more.
    The road to our recovery will not be an easy one. We will need every citizen; white, black and brown, straight and gay, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim and Jew all pulling in the same direction. We must become what we started out to be, “One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”.

    We can still reach the American Dream, but we must reach it together. Or we will accomplish nothing.
