Recent comments

  • Reply to: "Toning Shoes" or Phony Shoes?   14 years 1 month ago

    ... shoes that come with a DVD... just another marketing ploy. People need to focus more on basic things to improve their health like exercise and a balanced diet rather then fall for silly gimmicks...

  • Reply to: PSAs Challenge Bigotry, Church's Quran-Burning Event   14 years 1 month ago

    I am an American citizen by birth. I am an honorably discharged veteran (1969). I am a staunch supporter of the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights. I believe most strongly that a well insulated Separation of Church and State is in the best interest of all Americans. I love Free Speech. I am a gun owner.

    I am not specifically a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent. I am all, and I am none, of those things. I have voted Republican, Democrat and Independent over the years.

    I believe in the equal rights of all men and women. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness are some of those rights. I believe that my rights extend freely to a point where they interfere with your rights. It is at that point, we need Government Supervision.

    We are a Government of the people. That means the people own the government and the government can claim no ownership of US. Because of this, elected office holders and all employees of it must serve the needs of the people totally without question. Those needs are in the areas of Defense, Trade, Health, Finance, transportation, Utilities and Employment. I concede that they need to tax us, fairly, to provide service in these areas.

    Above all things, I am an American Patriot. I demand my rights and I would be willing to fight for yours. It is what I am and I am proud of it.

    Patrick M McCormick

  • Reply to: The Latest on Rick Berman, Attack Dog Extraordinaire   14 years 1 month ago
    Instead of donating to organizations one doesn't trust on one should do a bit on their own for the animals.
  • Reply to: American Politics is Getting All Koch'ed Up   14 years 1 month ago
    Very well said, Anne. Lets build the momentum.
  • Reply to: Beware This "Constitutional Convention"   14 years 1 month ago
    Pretty obvious you dont own a telescope, or a microscope. If you did you would be asking yourself, why are large unmarked, windowless jets leaving contrails that dont ever evaporate, You would also be asking, why at the same time, are passenger jets at much higher altitude leaving no trail at all. I'm talking about the kind with windows, and people in them. Get a telescope, and stop thinking you know about something you have never investigated. You could also get a rain sample after a heavy spray day. Evaporate the water. Go to radio shack and get a twenty five dollar mono microscope. Then start writing articles. Anyone can write an article saying everyone is nuts, except a goverment who admits to spraying chem-goodies on it's own people for years. Your article was gibberish. It's hard not to be cocky with someone who has never heard the likes of Kissinger, Bush and Bush, Obrahma, and other call for a new world order. Maybe you should read some Albert Pike and quit your you disinfo job. Please respond to my e-mail, and I will send to you microscopic photos, and telescopic images of airplanes which emit contails from tiny sprayers on the wings. What department of the Gov. do you work for again? Very comical article. I just counted twenty eight unmarked planes over my city, and photographed them. Not one had windows or a logo. So what are they doing mam?
