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  • Reply to: "Digg Patriots" Shut Out Liberal Content   14 years 1 month ago

    KEVIN, dear boy - your statement proves 'anonymous" point.
    Your incorrect on multiple counts
    1. Obama is progressive - nope, he is right of center and lost the mantle of 'progressive" long ago.
    2. Deflection and avoidance - the discussion is not about Obama but you seem to be using the classic tactic of the Digg Patriots as well as the over zealous Righjt Wing (far from "conservative") refusing to deal with the issue - hand caught in the cookie jar again?
    3. Liberals are all about transparency - why do you think WE support WikiLeaks, MediaMatters and other sites that hold those in power accountable?
    One of the strongest issues of the Left IS accountability and transparency- we have marched and screamed it from the roof tops for decades..We have been demanding BUSH,. CHENEY, et al ,to be held on charges of war crimes just like we now believe Obama owns it now - refusal, to deal with the criminal acts committed in our name makes one complicit to them. (by the way, how does it feel to be a war criminal? We all are now).
    So the claim that we aren't about transparency is incorrect but it may just be that you haven't a clue as to what it means to be on the "Left" or "Liberal".

    Unfortunately, this country has moved so far neo-con out of willful ignorance, exceptionalist hubris and laziness, that most people can't tell what IS the left- you can't see us from there.

  • Reply to: David Barton and Beck U. Rewrite American History   14 years 1 month ago

    Interesting article.
    I liked to read it and agree with you too.

  • Reply to: Trust Us, We're Experts   14 years 1 month ago

    Why are you excluding the "real" experts??? There is just as much politics and jockeying to control things based on OPINION among those people as there is manipulation for profit from from the other folks.

  • Reply to: Progressives Up In Arms Over Brand Obama's Insult   14 years 1 month ago
    President Obama is George Bushs' flunky. We should have seen it coming! McCain didn't have a chance since Bush gave white men a bad name, beside the fact the the republican mafia tanked the economy. We should have realized after witnessing the theft of the presidency in 2000 with the aid of the supreme court that democracy was dead. Then a decade of non-stop plunder and crime as the systemic rape of the public interests unfolded before our eyes. The shift from rule of law to law of rule with nary a word from congress. The shameless killing and destruction of a foreign nation for the personal gain of the Bush royal family. The resurrection of the vile and repugnant act of torture. All this should have made us realize that fair elections in our country are fantasy. The lies of the Obama campaign compared to the acts of his administration clearly show him to be an extension of the former administration which he so vehemently protects. As long as secrecy condoned by the courts and agencies like the NSA , CIA, and F.B.I. exist there will be no real elections of any kind in the U.S.A. Now that Obama has given all men a bad name look for a woman to be the next puppet! Long live the King!!!!
  • Reply to: Tobacco's New Target: Women in Developing Countries   14 years 1 month ago

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