Recent comments

  • Reply to: Telecoms Force Customers to Pay for Nothing   14 years 1 month ago

    Still in Canada, we are charged $2.80 for touch-tone service every single month, even though the public phone network has been optimized for touch-tone service since the 1980's, meaning all of that infrastructure to move the majority of switches from rotary service alone to touch-tone was paid for 30 years ago. It's like being charged to receive a colour TV signal instead of black & white, though colour TV broadcasting has existed for over 50 years. Ironically, Bell has been threatening to disconnect rotary phone service for years, presumably because it costs them money to keep this service alive, since the vast majority of users opt for touch-tone!, but has been stymied because it would leave vulnerable users like the elderly, some businesses, and, presumably, those who do not want to pay the extra $2.80 for touch tone without landline phone service in their areas. We're so used to seeing the charge that no one even questions it. It's like the instructions on shampoo bottles from not long ago that routinely stated that you need to apply, rinse and REPEAT, for no good reason except to get people to use up the shampoo faster before buying more.

  • Reply to: BP Ignoring Health Concerns in the Gulf   14 years 1 month ago
    This reflects AMERICA's new personality "Moral Nihilism". VIDEO: COLLAPSE OF AMERICAN LIBERALISM
  • Reply to: Telecoms Force Customers to Pay for Nothing   14 years 1 month ago

    Simply specify what you want in the phone listing when starting the phone service... initials and no address works fine.

  • Reply to: "Burn a Quaran Day" Pastor Profits from Hate   14 years 1 month ago

    The irony of what religions teach from the Bible and Quran ... and what their leaders teach by example are sometimes incredibly misleading. I've studied both .. and Christianity and Islam are built from very similar basic principles of love and respect.
    It's a pity that some people would manipulate public sentiments, bend it into a religious campaign .. and sell it for profit. I sincerely hope that the money is put to some good use .. helping the less fortunate.

    Peace to all.

  • Reply to: "Burn a Quaran Day" Pastor Profits from Hate   14 years 1 month ago

    How about "International BUY a Quran Day?" Imagine if booksellers reported a sharp rise in sales on Saturday. Less than $10 a copy.
