Recent comments

  • Reply to: Welcome Mr. President, but Laverne and Shirley Don't Work Here Anymore   14 years 1 month ago
    More state aid? This policy seems like Japan in the 90's when $billions were poured into the economy to stimulate it, and all failed. Obama is out of his depth on the private sector, and his use of previous banking apparatchiks like Geithner to "resolve" the banking crisis will get nowhere. America has a proud tradition of recovering when the chips are down, but so far we have not seen any real government actions to change the economic climate. Lets see what happens in November.
  • Reply to: Welcome Mr. President, but Laverne and Shirley Don't Work Here Anymore   14 years 1 month ago
    What the US elite, this merciless band of pillaging capitalists has been doing ad nauseam since the end of the 2nd World War to the rest of a bleeding planet is now coming home to roost as it had to. As for the dignity of an honest day's work for an honest day's pay...can anyone imagine anything coming out of Hollyweird today that even smacks of working class America? By that I mean precisely "working" America -not the banksters, crooks, gangsters and despicable lying pols that pollute the corporate media,press and all sources of communication with the exception of the internet. The jobs are gone and instead of workers, family and shared societal values embedded in a culture respecting "we the people" who built this land (even got our hands dirty in the process) they now broadcast a permanent stream of fear, violence, bigotry and Jesus blaspheming lunatics pumping despair, materialism and hatred into our homes as our rabid elite plunder the wealth that was built on our backs and squander our treasure in their wars for a foreign power. No wonder that the permanent serial wars abroad and the social destruction, crime, drugs and despair at home are the new "norms" of a nation that has apparently landed on Skid Row. We were too complacent and the culture of "our troops" and my country "right or wrong" foisted on us by our corpocratic militocracy through the poisoned media has ensured that we will continue to decline because of the stupidity and moral corruption of those we have "elected" to betray us in the stinking corridors of power in Washington. Meanwhile the real Shirley and Lavernes are dying in slum housing because they can't afford medical care and heating fuel as the squalid neighborhood around them is boarded up and ghettoized and rats infest the streets! Now I'm off to watch Sex in the City or whatever other Muslim baiting sludge will be pumped to my flat screen tonight by the jingle meisters of our long gone to seed society!
  • Reply to: Psywar Film Reveals The Hidden Battle for Your Mind   14 years 1 month ago

    Movie not to be found searching on the Exposure Room site.

  • Reply to: Taking a Stand for Religious Freedom and Against Intolerance   14 years 1 month ago
    Bravo for your post. There is so much hate in this world and such acts of burning religious books just adds to that hate.
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   14 years 1 month ago
    Yeh! Congratulations on your social enlightenment, because what else could account for your awakening from the societal brainwashing. You give me hope. Thank you.
