Recent comments

  • Reply to: "Burn a Quaran Day" Pastor Profits from Hate   14 years 1 month ago

    For all of you who are incensed about the Islamic Cultural Center, building about to be renovated
    2 blocks away from the Twin Tower tragedy killing 3000 humans representing a world's population.
    Tell me how do you suppose the Iraqi's feel about that behemoth the US of 100 plus acres the United States erected in the heart of Baghdad?
    Our Embassy, which will be a constant reminder of our decimation of their country, our murder of a million plus innocent .Iraqi, Children, women, pregnant women, and men. Millions more maimed, horribly burned, and tortured.
    About 4 million refugees.
    Plus the gifts we bestow on them for future unborn generations for next hundred plus years, in the form of depleted Uranium, white phosphorous, and cluster bombs. Nice toys for future Iraqi children to play with.
    The war fought under false pretenses.

  • Reply to: The Supreme Court's "Citizens United" Decision Threatens the 1964 Civil Rights Act   14 years 1 month ago
    At first glance, the libertarian position makes sense. Why should a sandwich shop owner, for example, be forced to serve people with red hair? It is arbitrary and rude for that shop owner to do that, but does society have a right to force the issue? Of course it does, because the shop owner is a benefits from the labor of the red head and society can force the shop owner to respect that effort. Independence and self sufficiency are fine things, say most libertarians, so the shop owner should be granted the same kind of exile they would arbitrarily impose on other people. Let the shop owner discriminate if the shop can do without city and state roads, electricity, telecommunications and all of the other goods and services that it makes sense for society to collectively share. That will place the sandwich shop somewhere in the middle of the woods with the best services the owner can provide for themselves but they are still not free unless they manage to only use supplies provided by other businesses that work the way theirs does. At this point, it should be clear that businesses are inherently collective activities and are not like real people. Anti-social business is not something a civil society should tolerate. Discrimination creates a kind of virtual slavery, where the victims are stripped of the fruits of their labor for the benefit of those who have singled them out.
  • Reply to: Koch-Funded "Americans for Prosperity" Astroturfs Regional Greenhouse Gas Program   14 years 1 month ago

    Recent efforts to reduce the carbon content in fuels and to improve their energy efficiency can certainly help to reduce the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere. However, large-scale carbon sequestration will definitely be required to achieve the U.S. national goal of reducing green house gas emissions from 1530 million tons of carbon equivalent (tce) in 2002 to 1255 million tce in 2012.

  • Reply to: Welcome Mr. President, but Laverne and Shirley Don't Work Here Anymore   14 years 1 month ago
    we couldn't agree more, HAMP was designed to aid the banks, not families facing foreclosure.
  • Reply to: Koch-Funded "Americans for Prosperity" Astroturfs Regional Greenhouse Gas Program   14 years 1 month ago

    If the ignorant non-minister burns the Qurans, I will do what I can do: BUY one and read it!
