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  • Reply to: Which Millionaire Fat Cats Are Backing the American Action Network's Ads Attacking Sen. Feingold?   14 years 1 month ago
    Probably none. This is going to skew the world and separate the classes even further. It's quite sickening how this whole game is being played.
  • Reply to: Eat, Prey, Spend   14 years 1 month ago
    I'm looking forward to the movie though. Julia Roberts is a good fit for this one! :) I'd like to do a retreat like that some day
  • Reply to: Taking a Stand for Religious Freedom and Against Intolerance   14 years 1 month ago
    Ever thought that perhaps this is exactly how 'they' want us to react? To have hatred among our own kind? All these misleading media, education systems, corrupted organizations only grounds people with 'rules'. They preach freedom but they are impacting us otherwise... it's time to wake up. it's a big lie out there.
  • Reply to: Taking a Stand for Religious Freedom and Against Intolerance   14 years 1 month ago
    <i>Seriously, Tyro, the rape "defence"? Absurd and actually offensive to me.</i> Oh really? In both cases you have an innocent person exercising their rights and in response they're threatened with violence with the claim that the men/zealots can't control themselves in the face of such provocation. In both cases, people leap out to say "she should have known better" or "he was egging them on". In both cases the response should be to condemn the violence, yet instead you ignore the threats and the real violence and instead condemn the innocent victim. <i>it's about speaking out against religious hatred and intolerance</i> And what displays less tolerance: killing infidels, killing those who offend your religious beliefs (like Theo VanGogh), or a symbolic book burning? Nice to see where your priorities lie. Time that you stood up for genuine liberties against those who would take it through actual violence. (And no, I don't think burning books will accomplish anything but stabbing a few cartoonists and movie makers has sure worked wonders - it's got you firmly on their side!)
  • Reply to: Banking on a Lighter Note   14 years 1 month ago
    conspiracies say the financial market is absolutely orchestrated. It's not surprise that wall street sped things up their way to let the people in the higher levels of the pyramid benefit most.
