Recent comments

  • Reply to: Lauria Quit Cigarettes, But Now He's on the Bottle   14 years 1 month ago
    that's fine if the public water supplies are clean and good enough for drinking. In some countries they're not hence bottled water do come in handy
  • Reply to: Congress Needs to Clip Goldman's Wings   14 years 1 month ago
    Goldman Sachs thinks they are equivalent to Uncle Sam, why do they need to care for the average Joe, or how Joe thinks about them?I suppose those who will get the fat bonus from GS or other banks will laugh at average Joe for their generous and stupid bailouts. Cheers GS for being saved while the average Joe are sinking in the great US of Titanic!
  • Reply to: Lauria Quit Cigarettes, But Now He's on the Bottle   14 years 1 month ago
    hi friends the britta backed anti bottled water campaign, makes a big bruha, about bpa. there is so much in our environment ( paint ,clothing furniture, etc),that it is impossible to remove from our bodies. talking about bpa in bottle statistics can lie. you can only detect bpa in a warehouse of bottles, by doing a statistical analysis. many bottles will have none! however all receipts, (atms, stores, theatres, computer ink etc have over 400000 microparticles per item. they are instantly absorbed by human touch. brita or no one else is calling for an end to our purchasing convenience. such phoniness!
  • Reply to: Declare a Jobs Emergency on September 15!   14 years 1 month ago
    Articles like these are very helpful for depicting the macro view of the economy today, as the health of our markets are directly dependent on our employment rates. But if we look at the tiny, minute, micro view of things, I begin to wonder... If you are a person who has been laid off and still have to find a source of income somehow, you could easily find income via other means. For example, an average English speaker could get a freelance writing job that pays a decent sum of money easily enough online. Is unemployment really a Government problem or an Individual one?
  • Reply to: Taking a Stand for Religious Freedom and Against Intolerance   14 years 1 month ago
    Seriously, Tyro, the rape "defence"? Absurd and actually offensive to me. We mention 9/11 because the event was scheduled to take place that day and because the day should be a day of remembrance of those who lost their lives that day and since then. After the attacks people from all faiths and no faiths came together to condemn those murderous attacks. That unity was splintered in part by right-wing efforts to portray the fight not as one against al Qaeda but against Islam, efforts that were ultimately disavowed by the Pentagon and numerous national security and civil liberties advocates. This is not about "silencing critics"; it's about speaking out against religious hatred and intolerance, using speech to challenge speech in the marketplace of ideas, which is certainly part of our American tradition. I'm sorry you want to spend so much time quibbling, and I'm sorry Mr. Jones' stunt has consumed so much attention when there are so many important challenges we face domestically and abroad. But, I stand by my call to speak out against bigotry and for religious tolerance for all faiths, not just Mr. Jones' version of the truth. Lisa
