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  • Reply to: American Politics is Getting All Koch'ed Up   14 years 1 month ago
    Jim Hightower in "The Hightower Lowdown" July 2010 exposed the Koch influence and it's stealth funding of AFP (founded by David Koch in 1984). Dick Armey lomg time shill for AFP was instrumental in founding the "Tea Party" with seed money provided by AFP and the Koch brothers. A real grass roots movment L.H. Frakes
  • Reply to: Tom Ridge Joins the Marcellus Shale Coalition's Natural Gas Gold Rush   14 years 1 month ago
    Fracking *is* dangerous. The truth is that the natural gas companies have not been honest about the risks. Yes, the percentage of water to chemicals is small. But 1% of 1 million is still 100,000 gallons of chemicals. The NRDC is keeping a list of reports here: Also - for New Yorkers - here's your future under a Republican governor. PA governor is considering allowing Eminent Domain over land for drilling. Check this out:
  • Reply to: Wow, Nice Tibias   14 years 1 month ago

    To me, an x-ray picture is not pornography. I think they're making a mountain out of a mole hill on this one. This all sounds strange and ridiculous to me.

    If you've gone for a medical check-up before, you'd know that you have to undress for an x-ray procedures. The films taken are for scientific and medical purposes only. Only the perverse minded could think otherwise.

  • Reply to: The Supreme Court's "Citizens United" Decision Threatens the 1964 Civil Rights Act   14 years 1 month ago
    This whole discussion is a farce. More manipulation by the media to shape what the public thinks the public opinion is. The article states that "our legal system relies on precedent" without mentioning that the "Citizens United" decision was handed down by the supreme court DESPITE all the precedent against it. So to now use THAT unlawful decision as precedent to overturn the civil rights act would defy any semblance of intelligence. That's why you should consider the source FOX and its' band of criminals, propagandists, and fascists. What I would like to see is the "tea party", its' paid members and controllers march somewhere and get the dogs let loose on them and then see them getting beat down by the police before they talk any more about civil rights. Oh and lets see the traitors from the supreme court join them.
  • Reply to: Taking a Stand for Religious Freedom and Against Intolerance   14 years 1 month ago
    Good points well taken, both of you. But has your passion blinded you from the real issue surrounding this "event". I mean who cares what anyone does with the stuff they own. I bet a thousand bibles were burned yesterday as well as a thousand korans. What makes this fool and his activities newsworthy? That is the real issue here. Who decided to make this particular event a subject of discussion and why? That is issue numero uno, the intentional manipulation of people, places, and things by big media for its' own agenda. Who is behind it? You won't be able to find out because only a coward acts in such reprehensible ways. The story here is more mind control through the intentional fear mongering of the public. Anybody who finds themselves motivated by the content of this story to act out either for or against this religious issue has missed the real and very serious propaganda intent and has become another victim of the worthless tripe that now parades itself as news.
