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  • Reply to: Philip Morris Astroturfs Australia's Plain Cigarette Pack Law   14 years 1 month ago

    who the hell does Philip Morris think he is. trying to overrule a country now with his pathetic clauses. someone has to bring an end to this madness.

  • Reply to: Philip Morris Astroturfs Australia's Plain Cigarette Pack Law   14 years 1 month ago

    Interesting! This is another bold move by the new Australian government! I think the plain packaging campaign is a very ingenious way to deter new smokers from picking up the habit. As a habitual smoker myself, I don't think the plain package will make much of a difference to the prevailing nicotine addicts.

    It will be interesting to see if Chris Argent's campaign to oppose this will work out. I think his grounds for his campaign are quite weak, but his relatively big budget will add some weight to it.

  • Reply to: Which Millionaire Fat Cats Are Backing the American Action Network's Ads Attacking Sen. Feingold?   14 years 1 month ago
    Any competent attempt to reveal who it is behind this must by default list the members of the supreme court who despite the precedence for the opposite ruling that they arrived at are first in line of those behind this unscrupulous, unjust protocol of moneys' all that matters. So now, just like justice in the court room, when it comes to governmental policy you get as much as you can pay for. Although time may maintain a constant move toward the future, elements which have seized democracy and business in the United Corporate States of America are hellbent on moving the society of man backwards. The corruption of the body politic by the republican fascists seems to be complete and a new age of the old evils has once again threatened mans existence on planet earth. Apparently there is no limit to the ignorance of greedy, voracious, holier than thou, self centered, egomaniacs out there who are unashamedly willing to bring about the end of the species as long as they have the most toys. How pathetic man has become. The justices who occupy the space on the bench of what should be the defense of freedom wear the crown!
  • Reply to: Welcome Mr. President, but Laverne and Shirley Don't Work Here Anymore   14 years 1 month ago
    I wonder if these two actresses realize the limp minded airhead attitude they helped popularize is part of the reason we working fools have been so thoroughly victimized. While our corporate culture which plunders the world even as we speak claims to be capitalistic the truth of the matter is that the New World Order is total communism turned upside down. The toil of the workers is centralized and controlled by and for the benefit of a small group of greedy, egotistical, self aggrandized sociopaths who have managed to amass financial reward through their willingness to screw any and everybody to "get ahead". Once contracted the disease of greed has no cure. No amount of wealth is enough as every morning begins with the need to get more at any cost using any tactic. These self proclaimed elitists are truly the scourage of humanity. Unless society begins to treat these greedy bastards as the mentally unbalanced sickos' that they are the earth is destined to lose its' ability to sustain life as we know it. Of course the elite don't care as long as they have the most toys when the time comes. I'm sure that some of these psychos think they will survive the cesspool they are creating. All they have to do is get in their bomb shelters or their super secret continuity of government hide a ways as the rest of humanity suffers from the wonders of the greatest life form know in the universe self destructs because of the ignorance of the social giants and leaders of the "intelligent" animals called man. Face it, the great experiment of self government known as "democracy" has been hijacked by the mental midgetry of those "special" individuals who have convinced themselves of their own superiority. Sadly they have convinced many others as well. Too many people in society deify these narcissists and hold them in awe. It is time that we as the salt of the earth treat them like the trash that they are. Most of them belong in jail or a mental institution. The church and religion is one of the greatest tools ever conceived to aid in the control of the masses by a handful of the most self centered of the species. If people fail to recognize the structure of social order imposed on humanity by christianity and or muslinity then armageddon will become the self fulfilling fate of humanity brought about intentionally by "man made god" worshippers in order to prove to themselves they were right all along. See, god had to destroy the world to save it Talk about insanity! The entrance to hell will be choked with christians. What we need to do is put those who engineered this mess in jail and seize their assets, which is pirate booty anyway. Bush and his whole gang belong in maximum security without hope of parole. The defense industries owned by Bush and friends must be shut down and the blood money put into the public coffers. The idea of him getting tortured some how appeals to me although I do not condone it. Not just Georgie either since his daddy has been working this angle ever since Kennedy was removed. The list would only be a few hundred at most. Many people who have enabled the overthrow of democracy have done so only through there lack of ability to see the big picture, too stupid to realize they were being used. These individuals should be given a chance to redeem themselves but never to hold the public trust again. Those within the military like Powell, should be hanged as traitors after a military tribunal of course. Those within government who have demonstrated their willingness to sell the public out should be treated as the traitors they are. I'm thinking the supreme court here. Those who have aided and abetted the enemy, like Obama are traitors too unless they have been under the threat of the CIA or NSA or homeland security. It is clear that Obama has been George Bushs' patsy since day one. Equally clear is his administration of bankers and corporate henchmen who do his dirty work for him are industry insiders who have no intention of serving the public in any way. I don't know if it is possible to restore the house or congress to the institutions they were meant to be. Only a handful of these men and women appear to have any moral fiber, character, conscience, not to mention backbone or conviction to a worthy cause. The entire federal government must be purged of the cult of secrecy and the underpinnings of paid political representation. The public interest must be restored to the primary focus of government and individuals who gain personally through their political office or appointments must be swiftly punished and the evil they do must be undone. In order to restore the "rule of law" all the crimes of the past must be investigated and the guilty held accountable. Organizations like the CIA NSA, homeland security, the fed, and any other "front" agencies must be sanitized by the light of truth and disbanded. The justice departments protocol of non engagement towards corporate wrongdoing and the courts kid glove treatment or reprehensible corporate practices and policies must be replaced with strict accountability and responsibility for their actions. No longer should the public clean up the mess created by wreckless corporate avarice and unsustainable plundering. The great corporate giants of industry must be converted to serve the public, when it is in the interest of the public, on a not for profit basis in such industries as media, energy, public utilities, including water rights, transportation, and food. Private sector industry can certainly be allowed to compete with government provided cost basis goods or services such as insurance and health care. We must not allow global corporations to co-opt the publics wealth and property to become super wealthy only to enslave the lower classes of other nations of the world while continuing to pollute the very eco-systems necessary for life on this planet. Do you really think there is any hope of this administration providing any sort of financial relief from the misery that they intentionally created so that they could profit? If you do, you are a fool! We must stop acting as though these criminals have any redeeming social value. The emperor is naked and must be jailed, not for his nudity, but for his attempt to subvert the intent of the almighty by robbing humanity of its potential. Obama is Bush, sent by Bush, to protect Bush. We are still being Bushed and until his incarceration, nothing will change. There's change you can believe in.
  • Reply to: Beware This "Constitutional Convention"   14 years 1 month ago
    Manufacturing consent through the embellishment of multiple propaganda models have been the tactics utilized by strategists hence the presumption of game theory. Evolving subjective perception to uniquely corroborate the collective ambitions of incorporating establishments, persuasions counter-intuitive to the social dynamic and moral foundations of Democracy. Conscious manipulation of mass perception advertising the endgame of recent enlightenment's . This nation must epitomize the idealism our forefathers conceptualized through those historic charters set forth to structure Americas' maturity., Unifying a countries diverse individualism by way of sustainable provisions an actualized necessity for Independence from the restraints of capitalism, harmonizing human Nature to Nurture government.
