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  • Reply to: Do Airport Screenings Really Make Us Safer?   13 years 11 months ago
    Just to flesh this out a little more (I don't like it when people post a link with nothing else - I usually ignore the post). Michael Chertoff has a financial interest in the the full-body-scanners and has acctively promoted their use (and his profit). He was the former head of THE (post-9/11 created) DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY. He was co-author of the Patriot Act. He is an Israeli national. He was involved with "the torture memo(s)". He was in charge of the post-Katrina debacle/profiteering.
  • Reply to: Pillage and Plunder Alert – Deficit Commission Gets Underway   13 years 11 months ago
    As someone (can't remember who) pointed out, the early release by the two chairs of the commission report -- the one that was NOT signed by any other members and was not supplied to the White House for review -- allowed these two gentlemen (one Republican and one faux-Democrat) to frame the issue as a take-it-or-leave-it-these-are-your-only-options document. I clearly heard the acceptance of that frame on NPR's Morning Editition yesterday morning, November 18. The discussion centered only on which of its recommendations should be accepted or perhaps argued against -- but included no hint that other solutions might not hurt ordinary Americans the ways these suggestions would AND would add more to our long-term economic health. (Like closing 750 of our 800 or so world-wide military bases, for instance.)
  • Reply to: Do Airport Screenings Really Make Us Safer?   13 years 11 months ago
    I'm a 66 year old man with two hip replacements, so I'm always patted down. My first encounter with one of the new full body scans was last month at the Amsterdam airport. Not content with the scan, I was "patted down" in the most invasive check yet. Under any other circumstances it would qualify as sexual assault. So what good is the scan? It's been obvious from the start that the TSA is a classic case of politicians pretending to do something and costing us millions. The TSA should be abolished. ( Fortunately I travel with my wife who watches my stuff while I'm searched and I have not had anything stolen.).
  • Reply to: Do Airport Screenings Really Make Us Safer?   13 years 11 months ago
    Former TSA official Michael Chertoff now works as a lobbyist for the manufacturer of these machines. As such, he publicized their "value" and somehow helped get the government to put up kazillions of millions to buy some for every US airport. Shouldn't this be illegal???? (As any lobbying by former members of Congress or any administration or any government agency be?)
  • Reply to: The Tea Party: An "Old Whine in a New Bottle"   13 years 11 months ago

    It seems likely to me that the Tea Party has more on its agenda than repackaging the same old Cheney Doctrine in a new bottle. I think the point is also
    to appropriate the symbols of the first American revolution so they won't be available to those ready for a second one, when the agenda of handing the remaining wealth of the middle class over to the rich has advanced further. And
    to discredit the whole idea of uprising--that's why the media pump up the rallies and make this out to be a major Movement, but then make sure to run shots of the stupidest, most mispelled and racist signs
    and to enhance divisions so rebels on the right and left will feel they couldn't possibly ally and work together
